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Book: The Monkey and the Dragon
12-06-2006, 05:43 AM,
Book: The Monkey and the Dragon
This began as a school project, then I relised it would be perfect for you guys.

The idea is that his is based for younger short of children, and teaches them to be good.

So here is the general outline,

Monkey is bad and bullies the other monkeys, kicks the animals (In my story it is dogs, but that probably needs to be changed), and brakes windows, etc.

He then is told that he isn't wanted by the other Monkeys in his village, and is told to go away.

The monkey then runs away into the tall mountains, covered in mist and fog.

In the Mounatins the monkey meets a dragon who says he has been watching how badly the monkey has been behaving from up in the clouds.

The dragon then says he will show what the consequences for what he did (he shows what happened when he bullied the other monkeys, etc).

The Dragon then takes him back to his village, where the monkey makes amends for what he did.

The End.

I have been toying around with some concepts of what the character's are going to look like, so far I only have 1 finalised lanscape and a finalised dragon, the monkey(s) I still need to work on (It is going to be a picture book if you haven't already guessed Wink).

I will get al the pictures done after christmas as I while have a tablet then, which will make scetching them on the computer 10x easier.


12-06-2006, 04:04 PM,
That would make a nice in game book. We could probably do a small side quest. Parent is looking for copy for birthday gift for child or something.
12-06-2006, 05:18 PM,
Thanks TOYB Smile
Akavir mod leader.
12-06-2006, 06:34 PM,
After school I'll upload the Dragon and the landscape concepts Smile

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