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Cell 0,0 Problem also falling through floor in--
07-22-2009, 05:18 AM,
RE: purple textures
Quote:Originally posted by lordrahl
Just a couple of questions.

Are you using custom land textures or just vanilla?

Do you have more than one worldspace loaded?

Have you generated distant lods?

1. Vanilla textures used by SI with Qarls texture replacer though but its been fine before that.

2. No just one worldspace

3. Yes with the height map before as well as TES4LODGEN
07-23-2009, 03:44 AM,
By the answers that you have given, it would seem that the only thing that is wrong is the cs delivered a bad generation of lod's and Textures. This does happen frequently. In most cases if you delete the old genereated textures and lods and also the dlods, re-generate everyting again it most likely will be fine. I have had instances where it has taken 3 or 4 times and doing a clean install of oblivion and cs.

Some people have had problems with the configuration of their computers (nvidia graphics cards) That cause missing textures.

I know you said you did a clean install so again most likely its just a fluke. Also, the cs only generates lod files. tes4qlod genreaes the dlod files. Sometimes you can re install tes4qlod and generate everything again . Its just hit or miss.By the way, alot of people arent sure how to make a map work in game for their world space. I am sure you know already but if not let me know. I have some tips that make it very simple.

07-23-2009, 09:47 AM,
RE: textures
Well I asked TheImperialDragon about the ingame map since the one he did turned out very nice. But I personally don't want to spent five hours on making an ingame map if there's an easier faster way for a nice map id love to know.
07-23-2009, 10:22 PM,
In game map
There is an easier way to make an in game map and much faster as well. I am sure you know the process already but here is my way of making in game maps.

Step 1: While your world space is still loaded in the heightmap editor zoom out so you can see the outside edges of the yellow cell graph and then on the cells on the far left top right and bottom (the cells on the edge of the graph) use the landscape brush to bring up just a little bump spot of land, keep it under the water but enough so you know you raised it and this will automatically center the map when you generate it in tes4qlod.

Step 2: Use tes4qlod to generate a full textured map, you can do this at the same time you generate dlods etc.

Step 3: load your new generated map in your favorite paint program, decorate it how you like and save it. Depending on what you do to it may increase the size of the file.

Step 4: Load it into gimp or whatever program you use to make dds files and then save. You do not have to make an file for maps.

Step 5: Take your finished map dds file and put it into textures/Menus/Map/World folder. Notice the capitol letters on the folders this is important. Textures doesnt matter if its capitol but the rest do.If the folders arent there you can create them.

Step 6: go into the cs click on the world tab click on your worldspace in the map data section click on add image and point to the map you created. then put in the dimensions of the map you created, and then cell coordinates. and save.

Thats it. If I need to go into more detail on some things let me know, I will be glad to.
07-27-2009, 09:04 AM,
RE: In game map
Hey Lord Rahl I'm having another issue in the same category as the purple textures heres a picture. Oh and thanks for the guide on the ingame map.

[IMG][Image: th_Oblivion2009-07-2704-53-38-20.jpg][/IMG]
07-28-2009, 12:38 AM,
Does it only appear in that one spot?When you move around does it change or go away?Also how big is the worldspace?
07-28-2009, 01:34 AM,
RE: Streak
Only appears there as far as I know. The background mountains are very mixed up as well. When I move around it does not go away as well. And the worldspace is bigger than Cyrodiil. Heres a picture of the background mountains

[Image: th_Oblivion2009-07-2704-53-42-92.jpg]

O.K I got the purple streak away by smoothing the area by the docks. All I need to do now is get rid of the purple textures. Not sure how though since the suggestions you gave didn't help it out.

"I'd guess if it's a modded worldspace you need to add textures for the LOD. "

Was a suggestion but I'm Kinda confused by what he means.
07-29-2009, 06:07 AM,
If you are using the vanilla textures, then you dont need to add the textures.If your world space is bigger than cyrodil as you say, did you save the textures for every single quad or just the first screen in the heightmap editor? you have to use the overview window to move around to the rest of the window. I wrote a brief tutorial on world building. I will post it tomorrow.
07-29-2009, 07:07 AM,
RE: textures
Quote:Originally posted by lordrahl
If you are using the vanilla textures, then you dont need to add the textures.If your world space is bigger than Cyrodiil as you say, did you save the textures for every single quad or just the first screen in the heightmap editor? you have to use the overview window to move around to the rest of the window. I wrote a brief tutorial on world building. I will post it tomorrow.

I tried this didn't work still. I don't think I mentioned this yet but the purple textures are only in my mod. Not in regular oblivon by itself. Oh and I just loaded my mod and oblivion esm and Cyrodiil has no purple textures just my worldspace.
07-30-2009, 12:10 AM,
Basic tutorial for world building.
If you are trying to make a worldspace that is bigger than what the cs heightmap can see, here is a way to do it using just the cs.

First and foremost always save before entering the heightmap editor or it will crash.

Once you have the land mass in your worldspace made in the heightmap window, click on the overview window and click on the adjacent squares next to the original heightmap.

It will ask to save current textures, click yes. Now minimize the overview window and you will see the next heightmap window.

Continue your world making. After you have made your entire world and saved textures for every section you created. Then save in the heightmap editor and go back to your world space in the main cs and smooth all the areas where the quad lines intercept each other.

Then you can begin making your regions and generating trees and rocks etc. in the region editor.When all of this is done, save the mod and then open up the heightmap editor again and go down to generate lod, pick generate full lods. You will have to use the overview window again and generate lods for every section you created and save the textures when prompted to again as well.

When all of this is done, and you have smoothed out quad intersections again. (very repetitive I know) save once again in the cs.Download a program called tes4qlod and tes4qlod gui and use this program to generate full textures, distant lods and a full texture map.The program comes with explicit instructions and is quite easy to use. But once done you will have a world that is visible as far as the eye can see.

If you want to turn the esp into an esm and clean it, download tes4geko and you can convert to an esm. IT IS IMPORTANT TO CLICK ON THE DISPLAY AND EDIT TABn TES4GECKO AND GO DOWN TO WORLD SPACES AND TOGGLE IGNORE ON TAMRIEL WORLD SPACE.This will keep you from falling through the ground. Now use tes4gecko and go to the move world tab and set it to load after the Main Oblivion. esm IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO DO THIS! YOUR WORLD SPACE MUST BE LOADED AFTER OBLION ESM.

Once you have created the esm, you will have to make a travel esp to get to your world space. It has to be seperate from the esm.

If you run into problems with textures not showing up in the distance (wierd colored mountains, purple etc.) you may have to do this procedure over. Or do a clean install of Oblivion and the cs. Then generate everything all over. It doesnt happen often but it does happen.

I guess that sums it up. I hope this is a help.

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