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[FG Quest]: Weapon Bounty
05-28-2009, 05:33 PM,
[FG Quest]: Weapon Bounty
formerly known as the "Davina Bounty" quest

This is another reasonably straightforward quest. I have finished modding it, but it has not been merged at the time of writing this because I'm still working on the AI for several characters I created in the same ESP.

The original form of the quest was simply to track down and kill a Thieves Guild murderer; Davina. However, I rewrote the quest slightly to have a bit more challenge and length to it. I also wanted to mod a quest where the player would need to follow an NPC (which the player will need to do in this version):

Lately, the Silgrad Guardians have been finding more weapons on an unusually high number of Thieves Guild burglars. They suspect that there are several non-guild agents who are collecting these weapons, and then selling them to the Thieves Guild for profit. They don't want to start a full investigation in case these agents decide to drop low for a while, while the Fighters Guild has more experience in dealing with the thieves. So instead they want the Fighters Guild to quietly look into this for them, and kill both an agent and the thief collecting the weapons to send a clear message to other agents and thieves that they won't be tolerated. Asking around, the player will find out that a man has been seen walking around with entire bags of weapons during the late hours of the night. His name is Treddas Oran.

The player can confront him at the building where he lives (it's a bit like an apartment complex), but he'll deny anything to do with weapons or thieves. The journal and the city's FG quest-giver will both suggest following Treddas Oran's movements. The player can do so, and follow Treddas to an isolated alley where he collects a note. At this point, the player will need to confront Oran a second time. This time, Oran will attack the player. The player will be forced to kill Oran, but will be able to read the note that Oran had in his inventory.

The note directed Oran to a sewer junction beneath the large apartment-style building. That is where the thief who collects the weapons from all of the agents in the city will be waiting for Treddas Oran. The player only needs to kill her, and then he/she will be able to complete the quest.
06-18-2009, 09:31 PM,
This quest was merged for the 3.27 ESM. For referencing purposes, this cell uses the SilgradCity0105 cells.

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