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[Hixinoag Quest] - Seeds of Recovery
03-15-2010, 03:08 PM,
[Hixinoag Quest] - Seeds of Recovery
After you've gained the trust of the inhabitants of Hixinoag, you'll hear about their backstory, and the battle that was fought to destroy the Blackwood Company. You'll also hear about how their ancestor Hist tree was taken, and that the future of the tribe looks bleak without it.

But the old shaman knows that there is still hope. A few weeks ago, the tribes' warriors brought in a disease-riddled Blackwood agent, and the shaman's magic soon convinced him to talk. Apparently, during transport the Hist tree produced a rare seed, which was lost during a quarrel between the Blackwood soldiers who wished to fight on and those who preferred to retreat to Cyrodiil.

It's possible that the seed is still in the area. All the available Hunters are out searching, but the player is promised the greatest reward the tribe can afford if they manage to find it.

Somewhere within Blackwood the remaining mercenaries are holed up in a ruin. They are battle-hardened elites, and several of them went crazy from drinking Hist sap. At the moment they're fighting each other. After a tough battle, the player manages to retrieve the Hist seed from the vault in the bottom of the dungeon, and returns it in triumph to the village.

But it's not over yet. The seed is dormant, and has to be linked up to the over-soul of the Hist before it can awaken and germinate. The player is asked to escort a young argonian woman to the nearest Hist Temple, to perform a ritual.

The ritual presents a dilemma, however. When you get there, she reveals that it takes a soul to power the shrine for the ritual, and she has volunteered for it in order to save the tribe. The player has to either kill her, or refuse, in which case she attacks. Whoever wins, the shrine powers up (perhaps if the player lets her kill them, they end up in the Hist dimension?)

All that's left to do is take the seed back to the crater and plant it. If you come back a few days later, a Hist shoot has grown! This will hugely increase your favour with the Ka'Pura tribe.
Core Member of Black Marsh (Lore and Modding)

Retired Editor of Silgrad Tower

77 interiors completed and counting!
03-15-2010, 10:08 PM,
Sweet! A quest that unlocks others (making the Ka'Pura respond more positively to you) is a nice inclusion.
Cunning Linguist (Writer and Voice Actor - Lost Spires, St and many, many more.)
Lizard King - Leader of the Black Marsh mod
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