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[MG Quest] Initiation Stiffs [1]
09-26-2007, 03:44 PM,
[MG Quest] Initiation Stiffs [1]

This is the very first quest you'll get for the Mages Guild.

Short: Before you can join the Morrowind Mages Guild you'll need to do an initiation, in a pocket dimension. Things go bump when a big bad daedra shows up, collecting on a debt your initiationguide owes.
Boss: You can get this quest from every one of the Master Wizards
Reward: Entrance to the first level of every Mages Guild compound
Promotion: Apprentice
  1. Daedra:
    Race: Daedra
    Male/Female: Male
    Story: The Daedra talks about the debt your guide owes his boss and then tries to kill you.
    - Voice done by Cuthalion
    Vanco Valean:
    Race: Dunmer
    Male/Female: Male
    Vampire: No
    Rank: Master Wizard of the Steadhelm Compound
    Story: Vanco Valean is the hot-tempered, Dunmer, Master Wizard of the Steadhelm compound, his dialogue involves a short description of the initiation and sending you off after the dialogue.
    - Voice done by
    Race: Bosmer
    Male/Female: Male
    Vampire: No
    Rank: Master Wizard of the Silgrad City compound
    Story: Clengoth is the Bosmer who controls the Silgrad City compound, his dialogue involves a short description of the initiation and he sends you off after the dialogue.
    - Voice done by SACarrow
    Horuscia Ratori:
    Race: Imperial
    Male/Female: Female
    Vampire: No
    Rank: Master Wizard of the Soluthis compound
    Story: Horuscia Ratori is the female Imperial who runs the Soluthis compound. Her dialogue involves a short description of the initiation and she sends you off after the dialogue.
    - Voice done by
    Relam Thirano:
    Race: Dunmer
    Male/Female: Male
    Vampire: No
    Rank: Conjurer
    Story: Your guide to the Mages Guild's custom pocketdimension. His dialogue involves a tad longer description of the Initiation, a short talk with the demon, screaming for help and giving you the promotion speech.
    - Voice done by
    Full Story: For generations the Morrowind Mages Guild has had the tradition to put every possible member through an initiation, involving mind boggling riddles, puzzles and a tad of fighting. This time however, the guide that's supposed to help you through this pocket-dimension of intelligence challenges has gotten you into trouble. Just when you start at the beginning, a pretty big Daedra appears. And he wants money, from Relam Thirano, your guide.

    So find your way through this pocketdimension of hell or fight like hell. Either way: in the end it's all about finding the exit!
    - UPDATE: You can only get this quest from Clengoth -

    Dialogue & Triggers:
    [TITLE]Chapter 1[/TITLE]
    Chapter 1 Scene 1: Getting the Job
    Trigger: None (Start of the Quest)
    Consequence: Topic 'Initiation' is activated in NPC Relam Thirano
    Player actions: Talking to Clengoth
    Log1: "To join the Morrowind Mages Guild, I apparently have to do an initiation. I should talk to Relam Thirano in the Silgrad City guildhall."
    - Player101-Topic01: "Joining the Morrowind Mages Guild"
    - Clengoth101-Answer01: "Yes, yes, yes, it is possible. The Morrowind Mages Guild is a very... very priviledged guild. We do not care about credentials, we believe in experiencing a mage's potential ourselves.
    - Clengoth102-Answer01: "So we devised a... An initiation ritual for such events."
    - Player102-Topic02: "Initiation"
    - Clengoth102-Answer02: "Relam Thirano is in charge of the initiation. You should speak with him if you truly aspire to become one of us."

    Chapter 1 Scene 2: Getting the Instruction
    Trigger: Log1
    Consequence: Going through the portal
    Player actions: Talk'n to Relam, going through the portal
    Log2: "The initiation takes place in a pocketdimension. Apparently it is a 'test of mental prowess'. Relam summoned a portal and went through it, I should follow."
    - Player201-Topic01: "Initiation"
    - Relam Thirano101-Answer01: "So, you wish to do the initiation?"
    - Player202-Answer01a: "Yes"
    - Player202-Answer01b: "No"
    - Relam Thirano102-Answer01b: "Well, come back when you do."
    - Dialogue Ends -
    - Relam Thirano102-Answer01a: "Ha, a willing participant. Alright, some history about the initiation. It's a two-hundred-year-old floating dungeon created by one of the most powerful mages in the history of our Mages Guild."
    - Relam Thirano103-Answer01a: "Essentially, it is a puzzle, meant to test the mental prowess of all who wish to join the ranks of the Morrowind Mages Guild."
    - Relam Thirano104-Answer01a: "It is located in a small pocket-dimension. We can travel there through a portal."
    - Relam Thirano105-Answer01a: "Are you ready to undergo the initiation?"
    - Player203-Answer01c: "Yes"
    - Player203-Answer01d: "No"
    - Relam Thirano106-Answer01d: "Come back when you are."
    - Dialogue ends -
    - Relam Thirano106-Answer01c: "Well, follow me then."
    - Relam Thirano summons a portal and you both go through it -

    Chapter 1 Scene 3: Seeing the Big Bad
    Trigger: Entering the pocketdimension
    Consequence: Controls freeze
    Player actions: Talk'n, look'n
    - Relam Thirano201-Intro01: "The first challenge is to shoot a powerful fireball to that statue, you'll have to destr-"
    - Relam Thirano is interrupted by a Daedra appearing (pretty big guy) -

    Chapter 1 Scene 4: Seeing him getting killed
    Trigger: - Continuation from Scene 3 -
    Consequence: Relam is dead, Daedra talks to you
    Player actions: Look'n
    - Controls freeze and you watch a dialogue between Relam Thirano and the Daedra -
    Daedra: "Relam Thirano?"
    Relam Thirano: "Yes..." (uncertain, fearful)
    Daedra: "My master, Kra'Tor has waited long enough, Relam Thirano. He will wait no longer. Where are the souls you promised him?"
    Relam Thirano: "I... Don't have them yet, please!" (pleading) "Give me more time, please!"
    Daedra: "Kra'Tor will be pleased with your own soul then, Relam Thirano."
    - The Daedra kills Relam Thirano -

    Chapter 1 Scene 5: What now?
    Trigger: Daedra talks to you
    Consequence: Daedra becomes hostile
    Player actions: Talk'n to the Daedra
    Log3: "A daedra killed Relam and plans to kill me. Damn. I could either run very hard to the portal behind me or kill the Daedra. If I kill the big guy I should take his tooth to show to Clengoth."
    - Daedra101-Intro01: "I will not spare you, little mage."
    - Dialogue Ends -
    - Daedra becomes hostile -

    Chapter 1 Scene 6a: Kill'n him
    Trigger: Log3
    Consequence: A portal appears behind you.
    Player actions: Killing the Daedra.
    Log4a: "I should take the Daedra's tooth to show to Clengoth."
    - None -

    Chapter 1 Scene 6b: Running from him
    Trigger: Log3
    Consequence: You go through the coward's portal
    Player actions: You run to - and go through - the portal you saw on the other side of the pocketdimension, running hard from the Daedra.
    Log4b: "I got to the portal before the Daedra could rip me to little pieces. I should report to Clengoth."
    - None -

    Chapter 1 Scene 7a: A hero's homecoming
    Trigger: Being back in Tamriel with the Daedra Tooth
    Consequence: Promotion to Apprentice, quest finished.
    Player actions: Talking to Clengoth
    Log5a: "I talked to Clengoth. He promoted me to Apprentice."
    Player301-Topic01: "Initiation"
    Clengoth201-Answer01: "Ah, yes, how did the initiation go? Did Relam grant you the title of Apprentice?"
    Player302-Answer01: "Relam Thirano died when a Daedra showed up claiming that Thirano owed him souls. I killed the Daedra."
    - You give Clengoth the Tooth -
    Clengoth202-Answer01: "Relam always was too naive for Conjuring. But you did very well! Killing a Daedra is a feat worthy of recognition. I'm naming you Apprentice. You are now a full member of the Morrowing Mages Guild! Congratulations!"

    Chapter 1 Scene 7b: A coward's homecoming
    Trigger: Log4b - getting back to Tamriel
    Consequence: Promotion to Apprentice, quest finished
    Player actions: Talking to Clengoth
    Log5b: "I talked to Clengoth. He promoted me to Apprentice."
    Player301-Topic01: "Initiation"
    Clengoth201-Answer01: "Ah, yes, how did the initiation go? Did Relam grant you the title of Apprentice?"
    Player302-Answer01: "Relam Thirano died when a Daedra showed up claiming that Thirano owed him souls. I managed to escape the Daedra."
    Clengoth202-Answer01: "Relam always was too naive for Conjuring. But you did very well! Surviving a Daedra attack is no small feat! I'm naming you
    Apprentice, you are now a full member of the Morrowing Mages Guild. Congratulations!"

Quote of the Day
There's real poetry in the real world. Science is the poetry of reality. Richard Dawkins, The Enemies of Reason

Silgrad Tower Mages Guild
Skyrim Thieves Guild
Vvardenfell Mages Guild
09-26-2007, 06:21 PM,
Sounds cool...
If you can make one of the Master Wizards Bosmer, I could voice him. Smile In addition to the raspy Argonian and Londo-esque Khajiit, I was intending to voice the StGeneric quest in my "normal" voice and let the Core pick a race. My guess there would be Bosmer; I'm not exactly James Earl Jones or the NFL Films guy. Smile

This quest might be cool to flesh out totally, just to give the PC one full MG quest to play. I think I can help on scripting as well; though I've done little scripting on OB, I have a fair amount of MW experience.
And I can Google. Big Grin

My one concern is the pocket universe. I've modded one shack interior, so modding this is certainly beyond me.

Let me know what you think,
09-26-2007, 06:34 PM,
Actually, a pocketdimension is very easy. Just 'say' ingame that it's a pocketdimension, make a 'portal' (door) and no exterior and the player will believe it's a pocketdimension.....

I'm currently building a complete MG questline....

And thanx, I'll put your name down for the voice list...
Quote of the Day
There's real poetry in the real world. Science is the poetry of reality. Richard Dawkins, The Enemies of Reason

Silgrad Tower Mages Guild
Skyrim Thieves Guild
Vvardenfell Mages Guild
09-27-2007, 03:47 AM,
The obvious question here is what does a Daedra need money for?

The quest itself is a good initiation quest

Pocket Dimension should be fairly easy to portray, I re-call several Morrowind Mods including Silgrad that included a pocket dimension. It's really a matter of image to make the player feel like they are in another place, also the method used to get them their helps create this feeling
In Silgrad the Staff of Lightning was used to take the player to the Plane
of Storms. In the Mod The Black Mill as stone was used to take the player to a dimension in the air, floating white stones and crystal stairways gave it a great atomsphere whereby the player could feel like they were in a different world.

I am sure we can do something just as good if not better Smile

I am a free single guy again, but I am still addicted to Elder Scrolls

[Image: qxbkbqrcde.jpg]

Enjoy the Great taste of Diet Bob, with Zero Calories
09-27-2007, 06:38 AM,
To answer your first question: I used money as a metaphor, we could just as well be talking about powercrystals, artefacts, etc....
Quote of the Day
There's real poetry in the real world. Science is the poetry of reality. Richard Dawkins, The Enemies of Reason

Silgrad Tower Mages Guild
Skyrim Thieves Guild
Vvardenfell Mages Guild
09-27-2007, 11:12 AM,
Quote:Originally posted by Cuthalion
To answer your first question: I used money as a metaphor, we could just as well be talking about powercrystals, artefacts, etc....


Big Grin

I am a free single guy again, but I am still addicted to Elder Scrolls

[Image: qxbkbqrcde.jpg]

Enjoy the Great taste of Diet Bob, with Zero Calories
11-25-2007, 12:23 PM,
- Update 25/11/'07 -

I finished the Dialogue & Triggers part of this quest. The thing the Daedra wants from Relam Thirano is souls(-gems).
Quote of the Day
There's real poetry in the real world. Science is the poetry of reality. Richard Dawkins, The Enemies of Reason

Silgrad Tower Mages Guild
Skyrim Thieves Guild
Vvardenfell Mages Guild
11-28-2007, 06:39 PM,
Quote:Originally posted by Cuthalion
- Update 25/11/'07 -

I finished the Dialogue & Triggers part of this quest. The thing the Daedra wants from Relam Thirano is souls(-gems).

Super ! All looks good :check:

I am a free single guy again, but I am still addicted to Elder Scrolls

[Image: qxbkbqrcde.jpg]

Enjoy the Great taste of Diet Bob, with Zero Calories

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