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Mages Guild - Questline
09-26-2007, 12:16 PM,
Mages Guild - Questline


  1. Quest 1: Initiation stiffs
    Before you can join the Morrowind Mages Guild you'll need to do an initiation, in a pocket dimension. Things go bump when a big bad demon shows up, collecting on a debt your initiationguide owes.
    - This quest can be gained by talking to any one of the Compound leaders.
    - After the quest is done, you're promoted to Apprentice
  2. Quest 2: Murder Mystery
    Clengoth, the coolest bosmer character ever, will tell you one of his mages is missing, but is most likely still present in the guildhall. When you find him, the mage isn't very healthy, he's dead. Turns out, an invisible Daedra was behind it. Huh, who would've thought of that, eh?
    - You can only get this quest from the Silgrad City compound leader.
  3. Quest 3: After death, A new Beginning (X)
    Meet Nibarr Faren, a Mages Guild Warlock who needs you to help him solve recent disappearances of Mages Guild members. He believes that either the Dark Brotherhood or the Morag Tong, and further up the foodchain a faction like the Fighter's Guild, is behind this and he needs you to go to one of the locations he has magically tracked one of the missing Mages to. He gives you a fair description of the person you're to search for. When you reach the location (either a cave or possibly a basement), you'll see the person you're searching for. You talk, you find out he/she has become a vampire (in the dialogue the vampire says "After death, a new beginning!"). It's necessary for the quest to kill the person you're searching for, though you can escape the other two vampires there. Report back to Faren, he says you can't talk to anyone about this since the Mages Guild might be infiltrated.
    - You can take this quest from every Compound leader, they'll all direct you to Nibarr Faren who lives in Soluthis.
    - Faren will give you a letter of recomendation which, if you give it to one of the Compound leaders, will grant you the rank of Evoker.
  4. Quest 4: Strangely Immobile
    What happens if your newlywed wife is a witch and you cheated on her? Everyone in a certain house where a marriage reception was being held is now paralyzed. The Mages Guild has quarantained the house, it's up to you to find out what happened.
    - The reward is 1000 coins
    - You can only get this quest from Horuscia Ratori, the Soluthis Compound leader
  5. Quest 5: No Sunshine for you (X)
    Once again you're sent to Nibarr Faren, who sends you to fetch an informant who lives in Silgrad City. When you come in, you see the body of the person you're supposed to fetch lying on the ground. Two vamps are already in the appartement, they start their evil dialogue including pointing towards Amilia Noctis as their leader. Nibarr Faren walks in, it's obvious he's a vamp. You fight them, you win. When you go back to any of the Compound leaders, you'll be promoted to wizard for uncovering the whole vampiric plot.
    - Promotion to Magician
  6. Quest 6: Rituals, Rituals, Rituals
    The consequences of calling upon Daedric powers to get yourself power, is risky to say the least. Especially when the once calling are amateurs. When the Mages Guild receives the intel that a farm has been thrashed and the inhabitants have been killed, they send an experienced Wizard (meaning you) to solve the situation. When you get there, you find the farm crowded with daedra, you fight them, track the bodies to a tree-less, round spot. There, you'll find a big Daedra, apparently the one in charge of the smaller ones. He'll offer you this: either get a special item for helping him escaping this plane - he's trapped since the amateur conjurers killed themselves off before they were able to fully summon him - or get into the magical circle and forever free all the planes of this badguy.
    - If you chose the bad path you'll get a magical sword & 1500 coins, if you chose the good path you'll get 1500 coins
    - You can only get this quest from Vanco Valean, the Steadhelm Compound Leader
  7. Quest 7: Blood keeps me dead (X)
    You will be ordered to meet with Amilia Noctis at an isolated spot. She will explain the story to you, how the Cerro clan-leader is after her. Amilia tells you that she has confirmed reports of infiltration of the Mages Guild by the Cerro. She knows that Vanco Valean, the Steadhelm Compound leader, is one of them and that it's likely a few more Mages in Steadhelm compound are working for the Cerro. She askes you to take care of this for her, in return, she will promote you to one of the elite Mages, Master Wizard. Meaning you'll also be the compound leader of Steadhelm. When you ask around in the Steadhelm compound, you'll find out that Valean's behaviour has changed lately, and that he's been hanging out with a select group of two other highranking Steadhelm Mages. When you confront them, they try to kill you and you defend yourself, killing all three.
    - Promotion to Wizard
    - Reward is Vanco's house and the position of leader of the Steadhelm Compound
  8. Quest 8: Council Matters
    You are called to the Council because the Council has a very 'delicate' mission for you to fulfil. The Council tells you there's a Necromancer hiding among the Mages Guild ranks, they have evidence of this but they need the matter handled. When you go to the guy they suspect, he tells you about a mask he's been searching for. He asks you to go to this cave and find this mask. When you go to the cave he'll be there. He starts raving about the mask and how the Council cannot truly appreciate the beauty of death. And then he attacks you, you kill him and return to the Council.
    - Promotion to Master Wizard
  9. Quest 9: Things that go Bump in the Night (X)
    After the "Council Matters" quest you get the order to go back to Athasor Alayn ASAP. When you get there he is attacked by two vampires, but he and his bodyguards take care of them. Athasor tells you the Cerro have now declared war, and every compound is under attack. He asks you to go to the Silgrad City Compound and defend it against Cerro attack. When you get to the Silgrad City Compound it's totally devastated, inside the bodies of the apprentices and wizards litter the floor. In the building there are three Cerro vampires, one of them a 'boss'. On the body of the boss there's a letter in which his leader commands the guy to trash the Silgrad City compound and then get to the Mages Curia to attack. You then get back to Athasor and he'll order you to report to Amilia.
    - Promotion to Eldritch
  10. Quest 10: The Big Bad (X)
    Amilia is in the Council Chamber with the complete Council and a few guards. When you speak to her and give her the letter, the doors swing open and the Cerro leader (Bob, what's his/her name?) comes walking in. We get a huge big evil showdown dialogue between Amilia and her former master and it results in a big fight between the Council, Amilia, you and the Cerro in the room. When you kill the Cerro with the help of the rest of the Council, Amilia'll talk to you and promote you to Master Eldritch.
    - Promotion to Eldritch Master



    1. Associate (X)
      This rank is only granted to children who start out their education at the Mages Guild, once they pass the initiation they gain the rank of Apprentice.
    2. Apprentice
      Gained when the initiation is passed succesfully. You can now enter the second level of every compound.
    3. Journeyman (X)
      Gained after the Apprentice period of five years is over.
    4. Evoker
      Gained after the Journeyman period of three years is over, or if you've showed considerable talent in The Arts (for example, by doing a particular difficult mission). You now have acces to all of the Mages Guild levels and shopkeepers.
    5. Conjurer (X)
      The rank for the Conjuring specialists.
    6. Magician
      The rank for the Mages Guild operatives operating in cities.
      - You get a robe of Persuasion for this rank
    7. Warlock (X)
      The rank for the Mages Guild's strong arm. They are especially trained for combat.
    8. Wizard
      The first (playable-)rank in the Mages Guild to gain acces to the first level of the Morrowind Mages Curia. A rank of great respect; you now are an actual Mage of Power.
    9. Master Wizard
      Often Master Wizards are the teachers in the Morrowind Mages Curia, although the younger generation of Master Wizards are more commonly found in the field or the laboratory. Mostly, there are around eight or nine Master Wizards.
      - Junior member of the Morrowind Mages Council
    10. Master Conjurer (X)
      The bearers of this rank represent the Conjuring community of the Mages Guild in the Council. There are always two Master Conjurers. Junior Members of the Morrowind Mages Council.
      - Junior Member of the Morrowind Mages Council
    11. Master Warlock (X)
      The bearer of this rank represents the Warlock community of the Mages Guild in the Council. There is always one Master Warlock.
      - Junior member of the Morrowind Mages Council
    12. Master Magician (X)
      - Senior member of the Morrowind Mages Council
    13. Eldritch
      A special rank in the Mages Guild, only carried by one person at any time. The rank embues the bearer with the responsibility to protect and defend the Mages Guild, it's members and all the knowledge contained in the Mages Guild Library.
      - Junior member of the Morrowind Mages Council
    14. Master Eldritch
      This rank is almost never given to anyone, it is for life. Currently, there is no active and no retired Master Eldritch.
      - Senior member of the Morrowind Mages Council
    15. Arch-Mage (X)
      There is only one Arch-Mage, the supreme leader of the Democracy called the Morrowind Mages Council.
      - Frontrow seat on the Morrowind Mages Council


      [1ST]M[/1ST]ages of Power

      1. Wizard
        The lowest, unspecialised, rank of the Mages of Power.
      2. Red Robin
        The Conjurers of the Mages of Power.
      3. Fiery Shard
        The Destroyers of the Mages of Power.
      4. Green Robe
        The Alchemists of the Mages of Power.
      5. Arcane Evoker
        The Alterationists of the Mages of Power.
      6. White Trickster
        The Illusionists of the Mages of Power.
      7. Spectral Shadow
        The Mystics of the Mages of Power.



        1. Amilia Noctis
          Race: Dunmer
          Male/Female: Female
          Vampire: Yes
          Rank: Arch-Mage
          Story: The supreme commander of all of the Morrowind Mages Guild, Amilia is a typical mage. She's not particularly nice, but she ain't evil either. Amilia does what Amilia thinks is best for the Guild & herself.
        2. Clengoth
          Race: Bosmer
          Male/Female: Male
          Vampire: No
          Rank: Master Wizard of the Silgrad City compound
          Story: A very intelligent and gentle bosmer. Clengoth is a true teacher, though his latest promotion to Master Wizard has left him with little time to exercise that calling.
        3. Vanco Valean
          Race: Dunmer
          Male/Female: Male
          Vampire: No
          Rank: Master Wizard of the Steadhelm compound
          Story: Vanco's a true $^#%#, he isn't even remotely polite to anyone but the ones with more power than him. Power-hungry, arrogent, self-centered and paranoid, Vanco Valean is not someone you want against you.
        4. Horuscia Ratori
          Race: Imperial
          Male/Female: Female
          Vampire: No
          Rank: Master Wizard of the Soluthis compound
          Story: Horuscia is a true research leader, she's tough if you do something wrong and very generous if you do something right. She spends most of her time in her laboratory.

          Quest Important NPC's:
          1. Nibarr Faren
            Race: Dunmer
            Male/Female: Male
            Vampire: No, later in the questline Yes
            Rank: Warlock
            Quest: "After Death, A new Beginning", "No Sunshine for You"
            Story: Warlock in service of Amilia Noctis.
          2. Relam Thirano
            Race: Dunmer
            Male/Female: Male
            Vampire: No
            Rank: Conjurer
            Quest: "Initiation Stiffs"
            Story: Your guide in the "Initiation Stiffs" quest.
          3. Athasor Alayn
            Race: Dunmer
            Male/Female: Male
            Vampire: No
            Rank: Magician
            Quest: "Blood Keeps me Dead", "Things that Go Bump in the Night", "The Big Bad"
            Story: Right hand of Amilia, he promotes you to wizard after "Blood Keeps me Dead" and gives you the "Things that go Bump in the Night" quest.
          4. Gadave Belaram
            Race: Dunmer
            Male/Female: Male
            Vampire: No
            Rank: Conjurer
            Quest: "Council Matters"
            Story: The necromancer who you're send to deal with.
          5. Balamus Indaren
            Race: Dunmer
            Male/Female: Male
            Vampire: No
            Rank: N.A.
            Quest: "Strangely Immobile"
            Story: Cheating husband.
          6. Mareri Indaren
            Race: Dunmer
            Male/Female: Female
            Vampire: No
            Rank: Magician
            Quest: "Strangely Immobile"
            Story: Cursing witch.

            Not Important NPC's:
            1. Idonis Nigius
              Race: Imperial
              Male/Female: Female
              Vampire: No
              Rank: Apprentice
              Location: Steadhelm Compound
              Story: One of Vanco Valean's Apprentices
            2. Ciralind
              Race: High Elf
              Male/Female: Male
              Vampire: No
              Rank: Wizard
              Location: Steadhelm Compound
              Story: The alchemist of the Steadhelm Compound



              1. Silgrad City
                Master: Clengoth
                Location: Silgrad City
              2. Soluthis
                Master: Horuscia Ratori
                Location: Soluthis
              3. Steadhelm
                Master: Vanco Valean
                Location: Steadhelm
              4. Mages Curia
                Master: Amilia Noctis
                Location: Wilderness

                1. Nibarr Faren's House
                  Owner: Nibarr Faren
                  City: Reich Parkeep
                  Quest: "After Death, a new Beginning", "No Sunshine for You"
                  Story: Questgiving house
                2. Bradas Arvel's House
                  Owner: Bradas Arvel
                  City: Silgrad City
                  Quest: "No Sunshine for You"
                  Story: Informant's house
                3. Indaren House
                  Owner: Indaren newlyweds
                  City: Soluthis
                  Quest: "Strangely Immobile"
                  Story: Quest important house
                4. Vanco Valean's House
                  Owner: Vanco Valean
                  City: Steadhelm
                  Quest: "Blood keeps me Dead"
                  Story: House of the leader of the Steadhelm compound, you'll later get it as a reward.

                  1. Plane of Initiaition
                    Owner: Mages Guild
                    Type: Pocketdimension
                    Location: Pocketdimension
                    Quest: "Initiation Stiffs"
                  2. Wilderness Shack
                    Owner: Unknown
                    Type: Shack
                    Location: Wilderness
                    Quest: "After Death, a new Beginning"
                  3. Arendus Farm
                    Owner: Arendus family
                    Type: Farm
                    Location: Wilderness
                    Quest: "Rituals, Rituals, Rituals"
                  4. Cave of the Mask
                    Owner: Nature
                    Type: Cave
                    Location: Wilderness
                    Quest: "Council Matters"



                    Because I wanted to keep the amount of work for the Mages Guild to a minimum I've deleted the quests "Senators Matter" and "Having a Say in Things". These were quests to let the player experience a 'life' Council (in session), but they'll probably take too much time.

                    Quote:Quest 2: It's all about the Cardgames
                    An Mages Guild operative disappears in Silgrad City, after talking to his friend s you gain the knowledge this guy is an excessive drinker and gambler. Find the gambling den, talk to the owner, get the location of the loanshark. Either use the charm spells, money, fists, any other kind of weapon or your persuasive skills to convince the loanshark to release this guy.
                    - If you've used money to convince anyone, you'll get it back from the Mages Guild
                    - You'll get 200 coins.
                    - You can only get this quest from the Silgrad City compound leader.
                    This quest just didn't fit in the Mages Guild style.

Quote of the Day
There's real poetry in the real world. Science is the poetry of reality. Richard Dawkins, The Enemies of Reason

Silgrad Tower Mages Guild
Skyrim Thieves Guild
Vvardenfell Mages Guild
09-27-2007, 05:47 PM,
I thought your draft so far is competent and interesting :goodjob:

You mention a lot about how the player recieves more power with rising rank; access to new areas and services. Will it be a separate faction from Oblivion's mages guild? If not, how will it handle players whom may already be at the top?
¤ How to add images or files to your post ¤ Silgrad's UBBCode
My pet peeve: huge images in img code. I reserve the right to make any such image into a clickeable thumbnail whenever I see it.
Angel mired in filth
[Image: SignatureBannerRazorwing.jpg]
09-27-2007, 06:05 PM,
It's another faction than the Cyrodiil Mages Guild. I was already thinking about that, maybe drop a few lines like "The Morrowind Mages Guild doesn't really care about what or who you were anywhere else, here, you start at the beginning.".
Quote of the Day
There's real poetry in the real world. Science is the poetry of reality. Richard Dawkins, The Enemies of Reason

Silgrad Tower Mages Guild
Skyrim Thieves Guild
Vvardenfell Mages Guild
09-30-2007, 09:37 PM,
Great, I think that would solve a lot of problems that might otherwise arise Smile
¤ How to add images or files to your post ¤ Silgrad's UBBCode
My pet peeve: huge images in img code. I reserve the right to make any such image into a clickeable thumbnail whenever I see it.
Angel mired in filth
[Image: SignatureBannerRazorwing.jpg]
11-04-2007, 05:51 PM,
The last two Mainquests synopsis's are finished. Just one quest to go....
Quote of the Day
There's real poetry in the real world. Science is the poetry of reality. Richard Dawkins, The Enemies of Reason

Silgrad Tower Mages Guild
Skyrim Thieves Guild
Vvardenfell Mages Guild
11-05-2007, 11:20 PM,
Big update here, I've added the last quest and all of the Locations. I've also added bio's to some new NPC's.... All the Quest synopses are finished now!
Quote of the Day
There's real poetry in the real world. Science is the poetry of reality. Richard Dawkins, The Enemies of Reason

Silgrad Tower Mages Guild
Skyrim Thieves Guild
Vvardenfell Mages Guild
11-25-2007, 11:42 AM,
- Update 25/11/'07 -

I've added the bio's of the Guildhall leaders and changed some internal stuff about the Council & the ranks.

In the rank "Wizard" I made the comment that "you're now a true Mage of Power". I was planning a little side-faction called 'Mages of Power' which is mostly honorary and would allow you admission to certain special features. What do you guys think? It wouldn't be that much work....
Quote of the Day
There's real poetry in the real world. Science is the poetry of reality. Richard Dawkins, The Enemies of Reason

Silgrad Tower Mages Guild
Skyrim Thieves Guild
Vvardenfell Mages Guild
11-25-2007, 12:15 PM,
Very good idea !

I have some ideas for things like this from years ago, if you'd like to see any of these ideas I will dig out the old books and post

I am a free single guy again, but I am still addicted to Elder Scrolls

[Image: qxbkbqrcde.jpg]

Enjoy the Great taste of Diet Bob, with Zero Calories
11-25-2007, 12:26 PM,
Sure, I'd like that! I'm always open to suggestions...
Quote of the Day
There's real poetry in the real world. Science is the poetry of reality. Richard Dawkins, The Enemies of Reason

Silgrad Tower Mages Guild
Skyrim Thieves Guild
Vvardenfell Mages Guild
11-26-2007, 03:20 AM,
Heres a few, theirs about 10 more with more info, but as I was digging through the papers I could not locate some of the info (all this stuff is on paper, about 40 pages worth and its 25 + years old :eek: )

Also I have at least 40 quests to go along with these clubs which can be adapted to fit ES

I think its a great idea to add some clubs for mages, its a privilage of rank and status, with mages its a place to be with their kind, mages are typically loners and don't dabble with those outside their chosen profession

So here are some ideas for club names I will find the rest !!

General Information on Wizard Clubs and Societies

Several Clubs and societies are available for those who have obtained rank wizard and higher,
these clubs offer certain privilages which may not be available in most guild orders,
however some may also have certain restrictions, due to these restrictions, wizards should
screen these clubs and societies to ensure they meet the wizards needs.

The Wizards Warf
Social Club available to all ranked wizard and above

Council: YES 3 members chosen from the highest ranking members

Privilages: YES Preferred status with other members with regard to services
preferential treatment when visiting othe mages guild house

Restrictions: YES Petitioning members must be active Mages Guild Members

Dues: YES 10 gold weekly

The Green Robes
Social Club avaiable to all ranked wizard and above who prefer the art of alchemy

Council: YES 3 members elected by membership

Privilages: YES Access to private library
Preferred status with other members with regard to services
5 pt bonus on skills related to alchemy

Restrictions: YES Green robe members are limited to practice of Alchemy unless
actively performing duties of the Mages Guild

Dues: YES 25 gold weekly

The Red Robins

Social Club available to all ranked wizard and above who prefer the art of conjuration

Council: YES 1 member elected by membership

Privilages: YES Preferred status with other members with regard to services
5 pt bonus on skills related to conjuration

Restrictions: YES Red Robin members are limited to practice of conjuration unless
actively performing duties of the Mages Guild

Dues: YES 10 gold weekly

Arcane Brothers available to all males ranked wizard and above

Council: YES 3 members elected from membership

Privilages: YES Preferred status with other members with regard to services
access to private library

Restrctions: YES Members must surrender their membership with mages guild

Dues: NO

Sisters of the Cloud available to all females ranked wizard and above

Council: YES 1 member elected by membership

Privilages: YES Preferred status with other members with regard to services
access to private library
club house has rooms available

Restrictions: NO

Dues: YES 15 gold weekly

I am a free single guy again, but I am still addicted to Elder Scrolls

[Image: qxbkbqrcde.jpg]

Enjoy the Great taste of Diet Bob, with Zero Calories

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