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Quest-Related Dialogue
03-12-2008, 06:20 AM,
Quest-Related Dialogue
Now that I've started my part of the mod, I think it's about time that I should do some quest-related dialogue. I'm still waiting on the Mages Guild Questline dialogue, but are there any quests that you're working on that need voice acting. I'm in favour of Imperial and Breton dialogue, but I may also provide Morrowind-style Dunmer dialogue thanks to SACarrow.

If possible, I would also like to provide voices for female Imperial NPCs. The actress who provided the voices of Imperial and Breton female NPCs in the vanilla Oblivion, the Knights of the Nine quests and the Shivering Isles expansion sounds remarkably similar to an actress I can perfectly immitate.

You can either PM some quest-related lines to me or post them on this thread. Thanks!
03-13-2008, 12:31 AM,
I'm actually intrigued by this, so long as it does not come out sounding like a bad Cleese impression from Monty Python (as opposed to those of Palin, which were scary sometimes) Smile Here are just a few lines for 2 NPCs:

Quote:TES4GECKO DIALOGUE DUMP for NPC StTKSHC09MoriaValodius [010C591B]
StTKShc09FemaleDial_StTKSteadhelm09f_000C59CC_1 Neutral:50 "I just love this town. This is the best thing that has happened to me and my husband."
StTKShc09FemaleDial_StTKSteadhelm09f_000C59CD_1 Neutral:50 "This town is perfect for me and my husband, because when we arrived they wanted a new smith."
StTKShc09FemaleDial_StTKSteadhelm09f_000C59CE_1 Neutral:50 "I have heard if you're thirsty that the Rusty Guar is the place to be."
StTKShc09FemaleDial_StTKJob09f_000C59D3_1 Neutral:50 "My husband calls this easy work, as he thinks that standing behind a desk selling things is not that hard, but I don't think so."
StTKShc09FemaleDial_StTKJob09f_000C59D4_1 Neutral:50 "My job is to run the shop, my husband repairs all the armor and weapons of the Steadhelm city guards and of the Legionnaires as well."
StTKShc09FemaleDial_GREETING_000C59C7_1 Neutral:50 "Welcome, would you like to buy something?"
StTKShc09FemaleDial_GREETING_000C59C8_1 Neutral:50 "Hello, have a nice day and I hope you enjoy your stay here."
StSrSHC39Q_GREETING_001A2D42_1 Neutral:50 "Hello I am Dorinda Fleury."


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