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Tel Uvirith
07-26-2007, 01:33 PM,
True take the textures and colours from Shivering Isle Root Dungeons and try to copy them into the Telvanni making it darker.
Some say im here, Others say im there, but really... I am every where
Beware I am Shadow I am the darkness in the corner waiting for you to take your mind off things for a moment then I strike without hesitation and leave no trail
07-26-2007, 04:09 PM,
Quote:Originally posted by JonSatriani
Bear in mind the textures are still the crappy ones I knocked up to test the other interior bits...

I cannot stress enough how awful my texturing skills are. I'm semi-hoping that someone with more talent will jump to the plate and do some decent ones, the textures I'm using at the moment are literally there so I can see stuff. I agree entirely that the textures are rubbish, I'm just working on the models for the time being.

The orangey kinda colour on the test textures is a misguided attempt to get the goldy-kinda colour from TES3 sets. As you can see it didn't work, but I wasn't too bothered by getting the textures right when I had no models.

IAMTHEEMPEROR, please could you link to the screen with the offending "crushed roots" so I can take a look. Yeah the UV mapping sucks too, again if anyone who's actually good at this stuff could explain how to do it I'd really appreciate the advice.

One thing I do agree on is the crystals, the SI order crystals would be much better - I wasn't aware that Vv is going to be SI dependent. I'll get cracking on that too. Lots to do! And I thought I was nearly done, hehehe...

I've just returned from a mega night out in Cardiff and am thoroughly hungover, so progress today will be limited or none.

Keep the comments coming guys! Smile

In House Telvanni, there's not mushroom at the top.

[Relz] JonSatriani's Telvanni Tileset
Tel Aryon 2.0 blog
07-26-2007, 08:41 PM,
Testuring hrlp
I don't texture and I make that crystal clear every time I model something. If stock OB or ST texes don't cut it, I whine until someone helps me. Smile Two things:

- If not done already, I'd post this on the Open Jobs for Texturers thread. Don't know how much response it will get, but at least the request will be on the board.
- Two people who really helped my models are Stilgar (shacks & potions and ev1 (the lighthouse). You could try PMing them to see if the Telvanni world piques their interest.
Judging by this thread, Stilgar has done some preliminary Telvanni-based work.

07-26-2007, 08:46 PM,
cheers Steve, I already sent out a feeler to ev1 and he might give it a shot. Some of those Stilgar textures look really nice, I'll have to get cracking on working him round Smile

In House Telvanni, there's not mushroom at the top.

[Relz] JonSatriani's Telvanni Tileset
Tel Aryon 2.0 blog
08-23-2007, 02:20 PM,
Errr things have been a bit quiet here recently. Here's the scoop:

- I've been mighty busy with RL stuff, jobs and so forth

- I've recently (within the last few hours) come back from a holiday on the Riviera Maya, Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. A lovely holiday, despite Dean making the last couple of days a little stressful.

- I'm waiting on Stilgar to produce a texture or two. I'm not /expecting/ him to do any work, and he's already kindly submitted a pretty cool preview, so everything he does is gladly appreciated. Thanks Stilgar!

I intend on getting some more models done in the next few weeks, when things quieten down.

In House Telvanni, there's not mushroom at the top.

[Relz] JonSatriani's Telvanni Tileset
Tel Aryon 2.0 blog
11-11-2007, 05:51 PM,

I would be willing to help with making the Telvanni areas a go once you have the models done.

11-27-2007, 10:09 PM,
Hmm Dave I take your point mate. To keep in style with MW I'd change it, one concern is that I built it less exaggerated for a reason - call me sad but I did a little research before starting the models, looked at plants and mushrooms in the woods and stuff like that. The stems on those things are often as uncomplicated as possible, just straight up to get maximum height. My plant biology's pretty poor, but also the thinner tower allowed for a more "top-heavy" look overall, which I kinda liked.

Anyone else? I love hearing stuff like this.


I don't think you should go that way, you know.

Better to stay true to how it looked in Morrowind than try and make a scientifically correct version of an overgrown mushroom.

Besides, the interior of those things was quate large so you'd need to make it more bulbous anyway.

And who said it was a giant mushroom anyway, looks to me more like a giant hollow tree WITH giant mushrooms on it Smile
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