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Vanilla Persuasion Packs (No ST required)
01-20-2008, 05:13 PM,
Vanilla Persuasion Packs (No ST required)
Thanks to the power of bulk renaming, I can release PPs that can be played on vanilla OB, with no ST required. I've had requests for this, which makes sense since several of our VAs are players but not modders in the "using the CS" sense. This won't work straight outta the box, but nothing more is required than unpacking and renaming directories.

Here is the 7Z, which includes Khajiit/M, NordScot/M, UCImperial/M, Bosmer/M and Dunmer/M. A couple of notes first:

- You cannot harm the vast majority of OB voices, as they live in a BSA somewhere. The only files under Oblivion.ESM are probably corrections from previous patches, and there don't seem to be too many of those.
- Certain groups of voices can never be tested at the same time in vanilla OB. These include or will include:
  • Any LC/MC/UC variants of the same race,
  • Argonians and Khajiit,
  • Nords and Orcs,
  • The 3 Elven races.
Now on to the instructions.
  • Before unpacking, go into Data\sound\voice\Oblivion.esm and rename each of the existing race dirs by adding a "1" to the name.
  • Then unpack the 7Z into Data\sound\voice.
  • Return to Data\sound\voice\Oblivion.esm and you should see 5 additional dirs, none of which are official OB race voice dirs.
  • Rename for testing the dirs you want to official names: Khajiit to Argonian, Wood or Dark Elf to High Elf, and the others are obvious. Keep the conflicts listed above in mind.
  • To restore, just rename the dirs back to the way they were.

Honestly I'm hoping this will give me more feedback, particularly from the VAs.

Go persuade somebody,
01-21-2008, 04:14 AM,
Here is the LC Imperial Persuasion Pack for PC OB, no ST required. Please see the OP for installation instructions, and as you may suspect, it conflists with the UC Imperial PerPack.

01-26-2008, 01:41 AM,
I just had a quick blast with the voices but I didn't get far as I wanted through testing them out as I now need to go set some much needed shut-eye. It's amazing how irritatingly hard it is to find a male of a particular race whose disposition is not 100 when you're deliberately looking for them...

Anyway, I tested out my Upper Class and Lower Class Imperials first which all sound pretty damn good, I must say, and the lip-synching is superb! One problem though was that, for some reason, my LCImperial subject was not saying anything when I bribed him. I wonder if there's a file missing there.

I also sounded out the NordasScot voice and I have to agree with the dissenting voices about the softer voice set. They're right, it doesn't work well. For the rest, I messed up when I misread your instructions and expected things like Dark Elf and Khajit to work without renaming the files. Doh!

More feedback later, anyway.
Cunning Linguist (Writer and Voice Actor - Lost Spires, St and many, many more.)
Lizard King - Leader of the Black Marsh mod
[Image: Buserbar.jpg]
01-26-2008, 08:26 PM,
Here is a vanilla PerPack for IG's gruffer Nord-as-Scot. I quite like it myself.

I've noticed the silence upon bribery a coupl of times myself, but since I see no lines in the caption, I don't think that it's the voice side of things. Possibly a gap in the dialog conditions?


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