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06-08-2007, 02:18 PM,
Here's the first part of a hopefully many volumed fictional book. It's written by an argonian, but is quite articulate as he was trained as a scribe by his former Dunmer masters.


I was led carefully down the rotten wooden steps by my rescuers. Talons clicked aginst the ddecaying wood and thoughts of freedom flooded my mind and clouded my vision as I staggered drunkenly towards my homeland.

My brave friends, who had wrestled my life from the cold ashen grasp of my Dunmer captors had even been so kind as to return me home as they were "passing through anyway".

We had reached the end of the wooden walkway. I began to tremble slightly, like an exhausted hummingbird, or a withered leaf quivering in the wind. I felt small. Insignificant. And yet immeasurably excited. Every sense tingled as I stepped off that wooden plank and felt my feet sink into the deep, rich earth. The scent of the deepest swamps drifted across the mudflats on the slightest of breezes. A phenomenon in these stagnant lands.

"Knows-No-Freedom will be fine. Trust me. Khajiit knows", purred that gruff feline voice that belonged to a most trusted friend. The closest thing to a father I had ever known.

"Knows-No-Freedom had cruel master. Rhahintharr thinks you should find more fitting name"

I nodded my head slowly in an unspoken gesture of agreement.

"Be safe friend. One day Khajiit return to visit scaled-cub. Be safe and greet us"

And with those parting words that feline father-figure walked back up the decking and lept nimbly onto the rogue vessel. I watched quietly as that rickety symbol of hope and freedom disembarked downstream. The worn and tattered flag flapping lamely in the wind.

I stood stationary until the last sight of the that vessel was gone and then turned back to face the swamps of the home I had never known.

What had moments before seemed like a lush and enticing land of adventure had now been transformed into a desolate tangle of broken dreams and decaying life, where the civilisation was as stagnant as the swamps.

This truly was Argonia. The Black Marsh.


any ideas for a title of the book? I kind of know where it is going as a plot (it will involve Elsweyr at some point, so maybe this should be shared between the two mods) but any comments are, as always, appreciated.


Edit: spelling Tongue
An Old Man is sitting on a Bench eating Soup. He is a fool.
06-09-2007, 07:39 PM,
coolness, this reminds me of a vid
06-09-2007, 08:24 PM,
can't say I'm seeing the link...
An Old Man is sitting on a Bench eating Soup. He is a fool.
06-09-2007, 10:08 PM,
Good reading, but you really should have included some sort of detail on the plot before asking for a tip for the title.
What I got of it was that an Argonian returned to his homeland, drunken, by boat and that his friend khajiit went back into the boat.
That youtube-vid really didn't make sense.
06-16-2007, 11:46 PM,
or did it?
07-07-2009, 10:06 AM,
I have added this book into the CS.

Since it still lacks a title, I have given it one: "Return of the Slave".

If you feel like writing some more, I've named the reference "-book1" so we can fit in more later.
Core Member of Black Marsh (Lore and Modding)

Retired Editor of Silgrad Tower

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