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Bal Molagmer. replacement of the Vvar thieves guild?
01-19-2007, 01:35 PM,
I gave this some more thought...

If there was going to be temple support for the BM. I would think the rewards would be more enchanted items. Sence money could be short from a rapid decline in worshipers... acording to this.

Quest concept: After a succesful raid on a major CT smugleing camp. Temple cruisader Salyn Sarethi, who orchrastrated the rait with BM information provided by the player Has been fraimed by the CT and wrongfuly imprisoned. It being now the BM's duty to set things right. Through a clever set of evedence planting, altercation and witness protection, Land a high ranking CT boss in prison. Sarethi personly rewards you with the dagger Enamor(has some snazzy unique enchantment, like if a enemy attacks you theres a chance a ancestral spirit sommons to atack him). As it was passed onto him for good deeds it is then then passed onto you for yours. Unfortunitally a "lucky" turn of events breaks the CT bos out and later in the questline he becomes a extreme hassle.

Thoughts on this concept?

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