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Concept Art (2)
02-17-2006, 05:48 PM,
Quote:Originally posted by Ixidors Bane
Hmm, I'm falling behind. Don't check my e-mail often enough. Can I get all the version since 3?
So, would it be possible to get the updated versions of the map? ( )

Oh, and thanks for the link Razorwing. That will really come in handy! :goodjob:
The Encyclopaedia Oblivionicus Online All the information for TES IV, at your fingertips
TES IV: Vvardenfell Bringing Morrowind back to you
02-18-2006, 08:13 PM,
Sorry I haven't been active lately, but it seem that I will be missing even more, at least for some time. Personal issues. Big Grin

Didn't find that drawing of yurt. Seems like it ended in the dumpster.
The Forgotten Ones have returned.
02-19-2006, 12:31 AM,
Quote:Originally posted by Arbiter
Sorry I haven't been active lately, but it seem that I will be missing even more, at least for some time. Personal issues. Big Grin

Didn't find that drawing of yurt. Seems like it ended in the dumpster.
that's too bad... all of it... hope everything is alright and you can return more often! :]
02-23-2006, 05:33 PM,
Nordic buildings concept: 97% complete
House Mora home concept: 90% complete
Redoran Fortress style concept; 60% complete
Dres architecture concept: 10% complete
West Gash style concept: 50% complete

I think Dagoth Yurts should just be the same as Ashlander ones except with different household items... so I am not going to bother making a whole new yurt for 6th House barbarian clans... too much work...

anyhow, going out to eat with a few friends, be back later to finish pics and scan them Big Grin
02-23-2006, 11:31 PM,
Well there maybe could be banners hanging from them of the sixth house and instead of hound meat haning corpus meat Sad and maybe colour them red and black.
Some say im here, Others say im there, but really... I am every where
Beware I am Shadow I am the darkness in the corner waiting for you to take your mind off things for a moment then I strike without hesitation and leave no trail
02-24-2006, 12:18 AM,
well, yeah... I meant the models are the same... textures could be different of course...
02-24-2006, 03:38 AM,
[Image: longhouse6rg.jpg]
Sheogorad Nord Longhouse
due to the scarcity of timber on Sheogorad, the Nords resort to stone and turf to make their homes, otherwise the design is the same. The longhouse is the central feature of Nordic homes and family, and the most popular style house.

[Image: nordtower8jc.jpg]
Sheogorad Nord Watchtower
This was inspired by bunkers, watchtowers, and Skara Brae, a prehistoric human town. Its interior is partially underground and made of stone, covered with turf and straw. The stone part of the tower is also within, and the tower itself is wooden, but underneath is a circular stone wall. Within are stone beds that will be covered with hide for soldiers to sleep on. Therefore it doubles as a barrack and a tower. However, most Nords will sleep in their longhouses so only those as garrisons or guards will be living in the watchtower structure.


[Image: redoranbuild7yp.jpg]
Redoran Wall Barracks & Beacon
The Wall barracks is basically an enlarged section of Redoran wall that is used to house warriors. In this way they save space but are also able to quickly deploy soldiers to the defense of the wall...
most large Redoran forts will have wooden catwalks on the clay?/sandstone?/earthy walls
The Beacon is a fatter version of the watchtower except that it has an iron bowl ontop with a low fire, it can be used to make smoke for smoke-signals, or fire at night. As a beacon, it is not a defensive position but an early warning system... it can be a defensive structure at need however... perhaps all towns should have a beacon to warn neighbors of enemies or if they are attacked...


[Image: housemora1he.jpg]
minor House Mora Home
Thios is my idea of minor ouse Mora's home which may or may not be used...
02-24-2006, 09:40 AM,
I really really like the Nordic tower and the beacon. The Mora home's good and differentiated too. (Who are the Mora again though?)
02-24-2006, 11:41 AM,
Quote:Originally posted by Vrenir
I really really like the Nordic tower and the beacon. The Mora home's good and differentiated too. (Who are the Mora again though?)
house Mora was one of the myriad minor Houses..... basically Ashlander clans that settled... each clan formed its own minor House.... then the minor House all merged into Great Houses... some minor Houses had more than 1 clan
the House Mora was known for its assassins and may have been the origin of the Morag Tong. They worshipped Sithis and were called "Black Hands". They disappeared but 1 of their clans, Ra'athrim, merged with Hlaalu; Helseth is a Ra'athrim.
02-24-2006, 06:12 PM,
So is the Mora house design is for the mainland (Helseth's native area) or Vvardenfell (Ashlander frontier)? Either way I want to see it.

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