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F&F: Creatures
02-10-2006, 05:19 AM,
Mongolian for spread-legged... an insult... probably something like spreading... hehehe
anyhow... what do you think of "Altsaasan"?

these primitive beasts will have spread legs... not legs underneath... so... Confusedhrug:

"hello, outlander.... you ask about those big beasts? yes, they are elusive, prefer to stay way from man and mer... but they are dumb. They are spread-legged Altsaasan... just a big dumb beats with thick hide.... if you are skilled you can sneak up onto one and get a free ride... and the thicker ones would never know... hehe yess..... Altsaasan"
02-10-2006, 05:41 AM,
Sounds pretty good! Though it sounds like a insult for a woman, not a beast :eek:

Do we have anymore ideas on this beast?
02-10-2006, 07:53 PM,
Quote:Originally posted by Harikari
Sounds pretty good! Though it sounds like a insult for a woman, not a beast :eek:
yeah... like some horny chick... making fun of them forbeing sluts...
kinda mean... we all have natural urge right? Confusedhurg:

02-10-2006, 08:16 PM,
:eek: I'm speechless, anyway back on subject. Whenever these things settled, nix-hounds and other carnivores would naturally be attracted to the area, which could lead to nearby livestock being attacked also.

And since they are spiky and tough-skinned, the ashlanders might use their components for armor and weapons.
02-10-2006, 09:14 PM,
How will we deal with Ashalander's equipment Lore regarding?
Concerning new creatures, I mean?
The Forgotten Ones have returned.
02-10-2006, 09:20 PM,
We'll just say that the spreadleggs just migrated to vvardenfell and the ashlanders took advantage of that.
02-10-2006, 09:37 PM,
Are you sure about this? I sort of feel that your new animal could complement Razorwings new tileset asit looks very flintstone with modern woodwork tacked on...?

It's not just that, but also there will be many who would feel that they had scoured every square inch of Vvardenfell, no matter how reclusive these herbivores are.

You don't think you could sculpt a 'forgotten valley' somewhere on the mainland in the mountains that could only be reached via a cave with a buried daedric ruin - what about your story Harakiri? If no one had gotten through because of the Daedric Seducer??

If you team up then you have a quest that leads to another quest - the Vaastibeasties Quest.

Cool By the way - you don't suppose that the Telvanni would have noticed manor sized mushroom gobblers munching on their towers and houses? :eek:
Because loyalty is not to be spoken of and honour is to be endured. Whilst courage is to be survived. These virtues belong to silence.
Steven Erikson.

But, if one man does nothing can he be said to be good? raggidman
02-10-2006, 09:39 PM,
That leads to another question - do we mod in levitation??? going to start a new thread on that subject on the general board
Because loyalty is not to be spoken of and honour is to be endured. Whilst courage is to be survived. These virtues belong to silence.
Steven Erikson.

But, if one man does nothing can he be said to be good? raggidman
02-10-2006, 09:45 PM,
Quote:Originally posted by Harikari
We'll just say that the spreadleggs just migrated to vvardenfell and the ashlanders took advantage of that.

In just 6 years? Not very likely...
The Forgotten Ones have returned.
02-10-2006, 09:47 PM,
Well it makes sense if you think that maybe they haven't migrated to vvardenfell in a long time and are now returning (like birds and buffalo)

Also, that would mean crossconnecting with Silgrad. The daedric ruins are a part of silgrad, very close to the town itself actually

Also, this creature is for oblivion.

:goodjob: Hey those wizards never even leave their rooms, they probally wouldn't know if the gates of Oblivion had been opened.

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