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Jarl of Skyrim


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Originally posted by Liquid Cheese
When are all the new fancy armours and everything going in? I'd really like to get some in the video.

They are in, but the paths need to be fixed.

BTW Greybeard, if you have a bit of free time could you take a look at the snow bear cuirass and see if you can do what needs doing in NifScope to make it work?
12.09.2006 22:44 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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First, I spent a fruitless evening on Flesh's trees. Maybe I made some progress, but they still aren't game-ready. I'll work on that as I have time.

Psychotic, sure. Email me the files and I'll see what I can do (no promises, though.) I just heard at ESF that there's a new version of NifSkope. Think I'll see if it's newer than what I've got.
15.09.2006 01:21 Greybeard is offline Send an Email to Greybeard Homepage of Greybeard Search for Posts by Greybeard Add Greybeard to your Buddy List Add Greybeard to your Contact List
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Originally posted by Greybeard
Psychotic, sure. Email me the files and I'll see what I can do (no promises, though.)


Good luck! Good job!
15.09.2006 01:44 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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Here we go.

Have fun!! :)

I think some trees on the slopes above HG would be cool too.

I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
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15.09.2006 10:49 Smokindan is offline Send an Email to Smokindan Search for Posts by Smokindan Add Smokindan to your Buddy List
The Old Ye Bard


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That file is still called Beta08, needs to be changed to 09 Wink
15.09.2006 11:57 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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Whoever downloads it can change it...

I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.

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15.09.2006 12:06 Smokindan is offline Send an Email to Smokindan Search for Posts by Smokindan Add Smokindan to your Buddy List
The Old Ye Bard


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*Looks the other way, pretends he didn't Download it and falls asleep*
15.09.2006 12:10 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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Qxzyz has said he has a heap of bugs that still need fixing Frown so instead of someone downloading and making the next beta full of bugs I'll try and fix them then reupload it some time this weekend (if I can...)

I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.

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16.09.2006 02:55 Smokindan is offline Send an Email to Smokindan Search for Posts by Smokindan Add Smokindan to your Buddy List
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It's all yours, SD. Oh, and good mornin'! =)
16.09.2006 03:39 Greybeard is offline Send an Email to Greybeard Homepage of Greybeard Search for Posts by Greybeard Add Greybeard to your Buddy List Add Greybeard to your Contact List
Liquid Cheese
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It is top right of Cyrodiil (for new people)

If you know how to teleport then the co-ordinates are:

You need the latest beta (in here somewhere) and also the latest resource files (also somewhere in here).

Can a moderator put this information in the first post please? It is really hard to find out what is going on if you are new here and havn't being following the thread. Also can someone put the file with all the added content which isn't in the master at the front please?
17.09.2006 15:09 Liquid Cheese is offline Send an Email to Liquid Cheese Search for Posts by Liquid Cheese Add Liquid Cheese to your Buddy List
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Thanks, Ill probably check it out tomorrow its getting late here. I'll also be sure to note any bugs if I encounter them...
17.09.2006 15:12 Khornate is offline Send an Email to Khornate Search for Posts by Khornate Add Khornate to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for Khornate
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Originally posted by Liquid Cheese
Can a moderator put this information in the first post please?

17.09.2006 21:31 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
Liquid Cheese
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Thanks a bunch psychotic.
17.09.2006 21:48 Liquid Cheese is offline Send an Email to Liquid Cheese Search for Posts by Liquid Cheese Add Liquid Cheese to your Buddy List
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Please check out the HG bug thread for my progress so far.

EDIT: I think I may have to just disable a few quests for later release. That way I can release about 9 or 10 quests then the rest (3, I think) later. That way I can focus on them and actually finish them instead of hald finishing all my quests and trying to fix bugs at the same time...

I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.

->Sir Winston Churchill

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Smokindan: 18.09.2006 01:14.

18.09.2006 01:13 Smokindan is offline Send an Email to Smokindan Search for Posts by Smokindan Add Smokindan to your Buddy List
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Just release it a bit later...
18.09.2006 02:59 Khornate is offline Send an Email to Khornate Search for Posts by Khornate Add Khornate to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for Khornate
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Ok, "Sins of a Dunmer" and "Markers, What Markers" will be disabled until they can be completed at a later date. In the mean-time we just need the snow bear cuirass for the "Besieged by Bears" quest and maybe some other stuff. Bug-testing on quests would also be good. We need to fix a heap of bugs in the Ice cave's (traps and so forth) so I'll hand it over to Greybeard or Psych soon to fix.

I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.

->Sir Winston Churchill
18.09.2006 09:55 Smokindan is offline Send an Email to Smokindan Search for Posts by Smokindan Add Smokindan to your Buddy List
The Old Ye Bard


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Give the file to me first as I need to do some eterior work and get rid of some of those nasty verticles, and make the path more travershible and fix bleeders, etc.
18.09.2006 11:03 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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I worked on the snowbear cuirass, and I think the problem is in the rigging. It looks good in NifSkope. When I add it to an NPC in the CS, it is out of place in the little edit window (cuirass too low, arms too high) and it doesn't show up on the NPC at all. Next chance I get, I'll try reworking it from scratch.
18.09.2006 17:56 Greybeard is offline Send an Email to Greybeard Homepage of Greybeard Search for Posts by Greybeard Add Greybeard to your Buddy List Add Greybeard to your Contact List
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I've got the Arrinis Varo quest working ok now (when you get near him, a journal entry comes up.) But I've got no idea what's happening with the sounds or collapsing people...maybe the dungeon wind sounds in the Cave??

Anyway, I'll post a new version tonight or tomorrow morning (in a couple of hours if tonight...) as I've fixed all I can, I think.

EDIT: Or perhaps get rid of the sound on the door? It's only a minor thing and we can cite the reason for it in the Readme.

EDIT2: No sound works fine :) Changing it to just opening or closing still loops the sound. And Arrinis' chest now needs a key.

EDIT3: Here we go. Have fun. And it hasn't been renamed, TOYB.

I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.

->Sir Winston Churchill

This post has been edited 4 time(s), it was last edited by Smokindan: 19.09.2006 11:53.

19.09.2006 10:36 Smokindan is offline Send an Email to Smokindan Search for Posts by Smokindan Add Smokindan to your Buddy List
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TOYB, while you've got the file, how about putting -Sulan-'s great music in? Also, are the signposts in? I've got an hour or so free this evening, and will use it to try to fix the snowbear cuirass.

Just checked my list of stuff here (home), and I have the "Guide to Haerter's Gap." It's well-written, and should be added as well.

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Greybeard: 19.09.2006 23:35.

19.09.2006 17:39 Greybeard is offline Send an Email to Greybeard Homepage of Greybeard Search for Posts by Greybeard Add Greybeard to your Buddy List Add Greybeard to your Contact List
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TOYB, how's work on the .esp going?
22.09.2006 10:30 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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I'll have it up by tommorow(My time), I've done a lot of work on it, mostly exterior work however I have fixed lighting and tilset, etc for Ints.
22.09.2006 10:34 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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Great! After that I'll work on it a bit and add Haerter's statue. Also I'll try and fix the messy file paths.
22.09.2006 10:38 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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O.K., when I give you the file I'll email the bonmold shield files aswell.
22.09.2006 10:41 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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Yay! Progress :D

I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.
Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves up and hurry off as if nothing ever happened.

->Sir Winston Churchill
22.09.2006 12:21 Smokindan is offline Send an Email to Smokindan Search for Posts by Smokindan Add Smokindan to your Buddy List
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Who wants the file first?
24.09.2006 00:51 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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I'm too tiered to work on it now (it's 1:30 AM here), but I'll get on it in the morning, so send it this way.
24.09.2006 01:30 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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24.09.2006 01:35 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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So how's it goin'? I just got back from a little road trip to visit my mom, and it sounds like you guys have been working around the clock! Sorry, but I never did get back to the Snowbear cuirass. TOYB, did you get the Guide, music and signposts in? I haven't checked the bug fix thread yet, but it sounds like the release is imminent. Good job!
25.09.2006 00:06 Greybeard is offline Send an Email to Greybeard Homepage of Greybeard Search for Posts by Greybeard Add Greybeard to your Buddy List Add Greybeard to your Contact List
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I have the .esp, and am working on it as we speak.
25.09.2006 00:10 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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That's great! Now I can get back to putting a new floor in my porch (RL =) ).
25.09.2006 00:16 Greybeard is offline Send an Email to Greybeard Homepage of Greybeard Search for Posts by Greybeard Add Greybeard to your Buddy List Add Greybeard to your Contact List
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Originally posted by Greybeard
That's great! Now I can get back to putting a new floor in my porch (RL =) ).

Good luck with that. =)
25.09.2006 00:19 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
The Old Ye Bard


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*Smoky still needs to use the file next to fix up the rest of the quests.

*I didn't put the guide in, or the music, or the signposts(I don't know where the files for it are anyway).

*We have permission to use the bonemold helm from cyro(He gave me permission in a PM) so Psychotic dwnld it and include it.
25.09.2006 11:17 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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I'm done with all the fixing (light bonemold armor) and I added the statue of Haerter. Now I only need to add the new content TOYB mentioned. I have a "slight" problem thought, I can't lunch the .esp in-game, Oblivion freezes at the loading screen. I can only launch it as a master (by converting it first), but then when I get into the exterior all collision is lost and I fall trough the ground. I've noticed similar things happening when two master files are being run at the same time (Oblivion.esm and another .esm). A solution anyone? Confused
25.09.2006 12:19 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
The Old Ye Bard


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The way around that is loading a save in a ex cell HG alters(I think Confused ), but the rest of land still won't load.
25.09.2006 12:21 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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Originally posted by The Old Ye Bard
The way around that is loading a save in a ex cell HG alters(I think Confused ), but the rest of land still won't load.

So how do we fix this, it is "a bit" inconvenient? :D
25.09.2006 12:26 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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Psychotic: is it just this current version of the .esp with which you're having this problem? Do previous versions work?

For what it's worth (and at the risk of telling you stuff you already know), I've got the Skyrim .esm in the data folder (but not active), and I'll run the HG.esp along with the 50+ other mods I've got. I've got saved games for characters at Azura's Shrine (and these characters have never had previous versions of the HG.esp loaded; trying to mimic first-time users' experiences) which I've been using to hunt for bugs in the other .esp versions -- so I'll always be outside HG each time I start the game and then "rediscover" HG each time I'm on the prowl...I've never had a problem...

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
-Edgar Allan Poe

This post has been edited 5 time(s), it was last edited by Qxzyz: 25.09.2006 16:54.

25.09.2006 16:46 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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The latest version I have (from Smokindan) works fine. I've tested it with 3 or 4 different char's with no problem. You'll probably have to go back a few backups and find out when the glitch first appears. It's usually a mis-named or mis-referenced .nif that's the culprit.

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Greybeard: 25.09.2006 18:00.

25.09.2006 17:59 Greybeard is offline Send an Email to Greybeard Homepage of Greybeard Search for Posts by Greybeard Add Greybeard to your Buddy List Add Greybeard to your Contact List
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So, how's it going? Release on Oct 1st? Psychotic, did you fix the "little" problem? If not, you might check the file that you got from TOYB - it might have been there when you got it. Anyway, tonight is the first evening I've been home in about a week, so I'll keep the light on for ya =)

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Greybeard: 27.09.2006 22:29.

27.09.2006 22:28 Greybeard is offline Send an Email to Greybeard Homepage of Greybeard Search for Posts by Greybeard Add Greybeard to your Buddy List Add Greybeard to your Contact List
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Almost everything is done, but I still can't fix the "no floor" problem. I'll check the file from TOYB, but if it turns out that we've got to work with an older version and fix things that we've already fixed... well I'd be pissed (to put it mildly).
27.09.2006 23:07 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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