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Jarl of Skyrim


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Originally posted by Qxzyz
* Haerter's Statue seems to be wandering a bit before he "remembers" he's supposed to be a statue; doesn't seem to have any statue texture on him either in game or in the CS.

Sadjev (the guy who did the statue script) mentioned that the Statue might wander for a second or so before he freezes, but I haven't seen him around to ask him if he knows of a better way. He did have one other solution, but I don't think it's possible and even if it is I have no idea how to make it work.
The texture for the statue is a stock OB texture, but I guess it will have to be unpacked from the BSA and placed in its proper folder (which I didn't do) to work when the mod is released.

I'm sorry but I have no answer to the rest of your questions, I too would like to know what is causing the no-floor bug. Frown
14.10.2006 18:04 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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Interestingly, I re-downloaded the .esp Smokindan posted and the ground is fine...hmmm... Confused

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14.10.2006 21:44 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Qxzyz
Interestingly, I re-downloaded the .esp Smokindan posted and the ground is fine...hmmm... Confused

I dunno
Hmm... I have a suspicion that whatever this problem is, it might be connected to changes that are made to external files (like the CS .ini) when working in the CS. After the changes I made to the last .esp I had the same problem, but when I gave it to Grey he said it was fine. The earlier version of Smokindan's .esp WAS modified by me and it did result in the no-floor bug on my PC, since the version you downloaded from Smokindan is working fine for you (and I thought I had messed it up when modifying it) then the bug must be unique to you only after modding the esp. I could be wrong but this makes sense in some vague way.
14.10.2006 22:03 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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I ran a couple of tests...

Test 1
*Opened the CS; ticked the OB.esm & HG.esp (active)
*Immediately saved the .esp -- no alterations done
*Quit CS; loaded game
-->No problems; ground fine & HG apparently normal

Test 2
*Opened the CS; ticked OB.esm, Skyrim.esm, & HG.esp (active)
*Immediately saved the .esp -- no alterations done
*Quit CS; loaded game
-->All ground not immediately near HG gone; all but 4 trees from HG to Aerin's Camp gone; Aerin's camp missing stuff


"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by Qxzyz: 14.10.2006 22:08.

14.10.2006 22:07 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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"Hmm" indeed. Confused

I think we've established that you can't run another master together with the OB master, but this bug is caused by multiple sources it seems.
14.10.2006 22:15 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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Psychotic: True dat.

Test 3 (looking to see if ground issue is reversable)
*Opened the CS; ticked the OB.esm & HG.esp (active); same HG.esp rendered useless in Test 2
*Immediately saved the .esp -- no alterations done
*Quit CS; loaded game
-->Identical results as Test 2; so _not_ reversable in this fashion

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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14.10.2006 22:23 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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As I said, it might not be the .esp itself but an external file. Data about what you do in the CS is also saved to other files, not just the esps.
14.10.2006 22:42 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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K...I was hoping quick tests like this might help shed light on exactly which of those external files is being warped...perhaps this isn't the way to do it though... Cheers

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14.10.2006 23:23 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
The Old Ye Bard


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For the statuer fix, I think the best way to go about it is to export everything to max and make an actual statue of Haerter, elminating any problems that would arise(This is what TR did with their stirk statue, their statue was also my idea Wink ).

For the quest "A Tempting offer" it does not take the 100 gold, and there is no option for saying you don't have the gold and even if you do not have the gold you can still go yes and it continues forward in the quest anyway Confused
14.10.2006 23:57 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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The really easy way to do it would be to write a script using the ToggleActorsAI command (which disables AI, physics and animations), put a collision box around him (if neccesary) and texture him using a stone texture.
15.10.2006 00:13 Alasdair is offline Send an Email to Alasdair Search for Posts by Alasdair Add Alasdair to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for Alasdair
The Old Ye Bard


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True, also that reminds me the Ice statues in the caves need colision boxs around them because at the moment you can run through them and if you cast enough fire balls at them they "die" also I've noticed if you go in and out of their cells to much they lose their shaders.
15.10.2006 00:16 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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Originally posted by The Old Ye Bard
True, also that reminds me the Ice statues in the caves need colision boxs around them because at the moment you can run through them and if you cast enough fire balls at them they "die" also I've noticed if you go in and out of their cells to much they lose their shaders.

All that can be fixed, but the shader thing I have no idea about. Confused
15.10.2006 00:24 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
The Old Ye Bard


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I think the Script needs to tell the game to continually reload the Shader, also I forgot to mention that along with "dieing" when you cast enough fire balls at it it would also lose it's shader(Sometimes it wouldn't).
15.10.2006 00:27 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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Originally posted by The Old Ye Bard
I think the Script needs to tell the game to continually reload the Shader, also I forgot to mention that along with "dieing" when you cast enough fire balls at it it would also lose it's shader(Sometimes it wouldn't).

The shader should in theory run constantly, and the second thing you mentioned is easily fixed.
15.10.2006 00:31 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
The Old Ye Bard


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Did you use the same script for all of the statues?
15.10.2006 00:38 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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Originally posted by The Old Ye Bard
Did you use the same script for all of the statues?

Yes, only the animations that are played are different for each NPC.
15.10.2006 00:41 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
The Old Ye Bard


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Well atleast we can get the other problems fixed in the mean time.

So who has the .esp at the moment, and is the Frost Giant in yet?
15.10.2006 00:44 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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Qxzyz, and no.
15.10.2006 00:47 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
The Old Ye Bard


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Where are you at with that cave for the frost giant Psychotic?
15.10.2006 00:52 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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Originally posted by The Old Ye Bard
Where are you at with that cave for the frost giant Psychotic?

I never claimed that cave.
15.10.2006 00:55 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
The Old Ye Bard


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Sorry got confused, you just made a comment about where it would be...
15.10.2006 01:24 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page have no idea what I did differently this time, but I've gotten the small fixes I made previously back in the .esp, and this time the ground stays where it should. I dunno I'm off to see about fixing Asta's bilocation issue, and then I'll have a look at Taarina...

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15.10.2006 02:19 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Yay! Wee! *happy noises* :D

Good to hear, we'll figure the miracle out eventually. Yes
15.10.2006 02:28 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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By the by, was there an icon made for the quest journal?

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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15.10.2006 03:29 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Qxzyz
By the by, was there an icon made for the quest journal?

I dunno I think not.
15.10.2006 03:37 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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I think that the teleport script sounds a lot better than my solution, Qxzyz :D

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15.10.2006 04:07 Smokindan is offline Send an Email to Smokindan Search for Posts by Smokindan Add Smokindan to your Buddy List
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Asta now teleports from Bruma to HG, and Taarina will only allow the player to give 100 gold if the player actually has the cash on hand... :D

I'll continue to troubleshoot quests, unless the .esp is needed by someone else...

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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15.10.2006 05:02 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
The Old Ye Bard


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Originally posted by Psychotic
Originally posted by Qxzyz
By the by, was there an icon made for the quest journal?

I dunno I think not.

Actaully thats not true I made one a few pages back...
15.10.2006 06:24 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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Originally posted by The Old Ye Bard
Originally posted by Psychotic
Originally posted by Qxzyz
By the by, was there an icon made for the quest journal?

I dunno I think not.

Actaully thats not true I made one a few pages back...

Did you upload it or send it to anyone? Confused
15.10.2006 12:44 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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I just found the icon TOYB posted on page 30 of this thread...I'll see about getting in-game shortly...

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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15.10.2006 13:15 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Qxzyz
I just found the icon TOYB posted on page 30 of this thread...I'll see about getting in-game shortly...

Excellent. I wonder how I missed that? Confused
15.10.2006 13:21 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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Erm, how would I go about fixing this icon issue displayed in the image at the following location:

I dunno

Edit: I've currently got the icon in the Data/Textures/Menus/Icons/1SK folder, if that matters...

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by Qxzyz: 15.10.2006 15:09.

15.10.2006 15:06 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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I'm guessing the icon needs to be re-sized. Check if it's the same size as the other quest icons (unpack them from the BSA if necessary).
15.10.2006 15:14 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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Apologies -- my question wasn't even close to clear (it was, in fact, intended as an even _dumber_ question)

I meant to ask, "How can I resize this .dds?" I've since downloaded a DDS converter program, resized it, and it's all good now...

Never mind the bollocks... Wink

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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15.10.2006 15:27 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Ah, ok. :)
15.10.2006 15:31 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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Would anyone be morally offended if I created a "Haerter's Gap" faction for all the NPC's in HG? I'm thinking that certain quest rewards could logically include a boost in the player's faction standing with everyone in HG...

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Qxzyz: 16.10.2006 01:04.

16.10.2006 01:03 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Qxzyz
Would anyone be morally offended if I created a "Haerter's Gap" faction for all the NPC's in HG? I'm thinking that certain quest rewards could logically include a boost in the player's faction standing with everyone in HG...

It would be only logical to do so. Yes You know, you are doing a better job at this than you were told to... don't stop. :D
16.10.2006 01:08 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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lol...I'm only trying to help Smokindan remain sane by fixing niggling details and troubleshooting...the phrase "standing on the shoulders of giants" leaps to mind...

I'll actually be "working" when there's a mountain of voice files to be put into the .esp... :D

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Qxzyz: 16.10.2006 01:13.

16.10.2006 01:12 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
The Old Ye Bard


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Qxzyz would you also get voice files for the missing guard Dialouge for other races, and put the dialouge ingame(write it out) as it seems only Imperials have Guard Dialogue, so if you set another Race to guard they don't say anything to you but instead keep on trying to talk to you when you have a bounty, also it might be that we have to make another cell as one will be for the officer in, Sins of a Dunmer and the other one will need to be for the PC. Also that means making the neccasry scripts, etc for the prison system.
16.10.2006 05:16 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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TOYB: I'm on it.

As an alternative to making a new cell, we could merely drop a second bedroll in the existing cell -- it's not supposed to be a comfortable place, after all...although I could see where there might be a benefit "scripting-wise" to have the PC's cell be independent of any other characters...hmmm...

Well, I'll see what I can do with it and report back later...

Edit: Come to think of it, I believe all the NPCs in HG may have had their generic conversations (like crime responses, normal rumors, etc.) deliberately removed to allow for voice acting...I intended to scan these NPCs to make sure that is true when voice acting is actually completed, and as such I haven't fully explored this phenomenon yet. Neither NPC in the Imperial Office were involved in any quest (so I didn't send any voice acting requests for these characters to the OVAG) and had no previous reason to be specially modified, which is presumably why you noted these were the only two NPCs who could emit these types of statements...

Were there specific NPCs you wanted to behave like normal guards, or did you mean that everyone in HG should respond appropriately to crime in general? In either case, I can ensure their "vanilla" lines get voice acted/incorporated as well...

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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This post has been edited 6 time(s), it was last edited by Qxzyz: 16.10.2006 15:17.

16.10.2006 12:51 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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