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Elder of Skyrim


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I've changed the Imperial Office layout to add another jail cell; from PrisonCell2Way to PrisonCell2WayDouble. I'm currently learning how OB handles crime and punishment to see how to adopt those scripts into HG...

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Qxzyz: 16.10.2006 21:07.

16.10.2006 21:07 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
The Old Ye Bard


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Cool Good job!
16.10.2006 21:12 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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Small update...

*I've re-written the script on Haerter's Statue. He now consistently has the stone texture and I've got a MoveTo on him to keep him from wandering off. :D However, I can't seem to get him to draw his weapon without screwing up the texture -- either he draws the weapon and isn't textured, or he's textured but not "alert." I beileve the original script on this statue contained a timer which was designed to give the statue enough time to draw his weapon before being turned to stone, but this had never worked successfully for me and was indirectly permitting the statue to wander. Incidentally, I've found quicksaving & quickloading often resets this statue while loading from a "full" savegame has no effect...hmm...Anyway, I can continue to try to make the statue draw its weapon if it's felt that this is important. (I'll try using a token on the statue next...)

*Concerning miscellaneous dialogue: I've got ~60 short lines or so to be recorded by voice actors specifically to allow HG NPCs to handle crimes (theft, tresspass, arrest) in the same fashion as vanilla OB NPCs. (I may trim these lines further, but I'm inclined to leave all of them there.) I'll send these lines out to be read when I've gotten in touch with any voice actor who claims one of our NPCs. I've decided to eliminate all other miscellaneous talking ("Look at the muscles on you!" or "I saw a mudcrab the other day.") by our HG NPCs, which I've done by placing "GetInFaction 1SKHG == 0" conditions on as many random conversation quests as I could reasonably identify -- unfortunately, this has lead to an eerily quiet Public House and library-like barracks. Alternatively, I could generate a bank of conversations, greetings, and rumors specifically to be spoken by our NPCs, but this would likely push the release date of HG well into 2007 -- like Easter -- unless I had all voice actors onboard & ready to go. (Did you know there are literally 30 ways for _each_ vanilla OB NPC to merely say, "No!" in general conversation?) Personally, I'd love to have the random chit-chatter customized for HG, and I intend to continue working toward this goal. However, I'll certainly worry about quest dialogue first, then crime reporting -- after this, I guess we'll re-evaluate what's most useful. Also, I wouldn't be morally opposed to including conversation upgrades to NPCs in HG post-release, perhaps as part of the release of the next Skyrim city...this will, of course, be partially dependent upon the zeal of any voice actor who helps out...

*I've done many miscellaneous tweaks, from repositioning a magic tree and grounding flying rocks to correcting pathgrid anomalies and ensuring correct ownership of in-game items -- I'll provide a complete list, if anyone cares...

*I'm currently fleshing out the "Hunting the Beast" quest. I've picked out two potential areas for the general locations of both the ruined farmhouse and the Frost Giant lair -- both in/around the tall mountain under the "t" in "Jerall Mountains" on the map, west of Azura's shrine, east of Frostcrag Spire. (I'll post screenshots of the locations as soon as I actually start playing in the Tamriel worldspace.) I'm aware of a couple of Oblivion gates in the area, and at least one reasonably popular mod -- Blackrock Mountain -- is situated on one side of the same mountain, but I believe I've got plenty of conflict-free spots with which to play...the farther away (particularly westward) from HG, the more likely I am to run into such conflicts; it's interesting to see how many modders chose to use the areas immediately surrounding Bruma...hmph.

*I'm almost halfway through troubleshooting the other HG quests -- I still need to look more closely at "Sins of a Dunmer," "Besieged by Bears," "Too Many a Melon," and "Markers? What Markers?," but everything else seems to work as intended in-game (except for Hauk's checking for contraband in "Getting Into Skyrim"...I'm working on this). Furthermore, I've got some questions about the "Markers? What Markers?" quest, but I'll post them later in the appropriate quest thread...

*Is there any way for me to fix the "shield04.nif" issue? It's a "model load error," for what that's worth...

*In a given modding session, the first time I load the HG exterior, I get a host of errors -- starting with, "Assert at C:\projects\tes4\tesshared\speedtree\bstreemodel.cpp, 709" (cilcking "Retry" clears the error) and then proceeding through a litany of messages about duplicate bear animations (clicking "Yes" clears each error). For the record, I loaded a fresh copy of the HG.esp from page 31 of this thread to see if these errors were present before I did anything to the .esp myself, and, sure enough, all these errors are there. None of this causes a CS crash or prevents me from modding, and everything appears to work fine in game, but it's a little unsettling... I dunno


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18.10.2006 13:23 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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I've had the assertion error aswell and its harmless as far as I know.. you might try cleaning the mod, that will probably fix the problem.
My guess is that there are the same bear animations in two esps/esms your loading, causing this error.

ou av andanyammis Pleased
18.10.2006 14:06 Siesta Guru is offline Send an Email to Siesta Guru Search for Posts by Siesta Guru Add Siesta Guru to your Buddy List
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You call that small, Qxzyz Eek 1 :D

Anyway, your a machine! The dialogue thing sounds fine. Screw next year :)

GJ on the quests. Nice to see my quest skeletons fleshing out to a fully formed human (like the analogy? :) )

AFAIK the "Assert" error is pretty harmless. That stupid "Getting into Skyrim" thing will need more work (currrently it's just dialogue conditions, might need a script.)

"Markers, What Markers?" is only about half done (like we need a script to disable markers and enable em and light them up etc.)

Once again, great work!

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18.10.2006 14:25 Smokindan is offline Send an Email to Smokindan Search for Posts by Smokindan Add Smokindan to your Buddy List
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About the shield model, it might either be corrupted, in a wrong folder or something completely different. I dunno Try loading the model in NifScope and see if any errors pop up. If there are errors then the model needs fixing. I'm not at all sure what it is, but it's most likely a problem with the nif.

Anyway, outstanding work Qxzyz. Good job!
18.10.2006 15:22 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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@ Siesta Guru:

I'm only loading the OB.esm & HG.esp; I guess just there's some duplication going on... I dunno

As far as cleaning the mod goes, I _have_ actually noticed a lot of *'s in many unexpected interiors. For example, while I can understand why the Imperial Library may have been modified by us (to place our books in game), I'm not sure why the tutorial dungeon is marked as changed...In any event, while the mod probably could use a good cleaning, I'm loathe to change/clean these things myself -- I'd be much more comfortable leaving that duty to the Core, or at least someone who's investigated the .esp more than once and can speak to what was actually changed intentionally. :D

@ Smokindan:

That stupid "Getting into Skyrim" thing will need more work (currrently it's just dialogue conditions, might need a script.)

You're right: for whatever reason, the dialogue conditions simply aren't getting the job done. I'm on it...

"Markers, What Markers?" is only about half done (like we need a script to disable markers and enable em and light them up etc.)

I'll see what I can do about this. :D

You call that small, Qxzyz Eek 1 :D

lol...I do have a large "Average Words per Post" image to maintain... :D Once again, you, Smokindan, are the MAN -- I'm just tryin' to help you out...

@ Psychotic:

Hmmm...apparently I don't have the file at all. Specifically, the error I receive is:

"Could not find parent node extra data for BASE Armor\1SK\Shields\Shield04.nif"

After nosing around my HD a little, I see that I've only got BASE Armor\1SK\1SKxxPSxHaerterShield and BASE Armor\1SK\Light I, in fact, missing a folder or should I reassociate this shield with something I've already got?

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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18.10.2006 16:07 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Those are the correct folders, but the last time I worked on the .esp I also fixed the nifs for the light bonemold armor (I did nothing to the shield though as it was working fine at that time). I uploaded the nifs on page 30 of this thread, but the upload has expired.

I'm uploading them again now, please post something after this so I can post the link in a reply. :)
18.10.2006 16:30 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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Roger Wilco, Psychotic :D

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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18.10.2006 16:36 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Just extract the nifs and whatever else is in there in the same folders as the old files, you don't really need the esp as it's an old version.
18.10.2006 16:44 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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Erm, I seem to already have these files...this is the bonemold folder. (And the White Witch clothing, which I apparently already have as well.)

Should I just replace the shield in NPC inventory with this? Perhaps I'm just confused...

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Qxzyz: 18.10.2006 17:00.

18.10.2006 16:59 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Qxzyz
Erm, I seem to already have these files...this is the bonemold folder. (And the White Witch clothing, which I apparently already have as well.)

Should I just replace the shield in NPC inventory with this? Perhaps I'm just confused...

I got the idea that the bonemold armor was screwed up as well... I must have gotten you wrong though. As I said, the shield was fine last I looked at it, so I have no fix for that currently. I'll take a look at the nif just to be safe though.
18.10.2006 17:04 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
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Okay -- after finally engaging my brain on this issue (apologies for previous drivel)...I took a closer look at each NPC who's got a "!" on him. Here's the list and proximate cause:

Nadil Filorn -- 1SKxxHaertersGapShield
Drendnar Tures -- 1SKxxHaertersGapShield
Hauk -- 1SKxxHaertersGapShield
Eric Nielssen -- 1SKxxHaertersGapShield
Ulaf Thorgaard -- 1SKxxHaertersGapShield
J'Ram Dar -- 1SKxxHaertersGapShield

The reason I'm getting the error message appears to be that the CS is looking for a file named "BASE Armor\1SK\Shields\Shield04.nif" for each instance of 1SKxxHaertersGapShield, and no such file or folder exists on my hard drive. Furthermore, in the "Armor" section of the "Items" part of the Object Window, I've got a branch called "1SK" which, upon expanding, shows I should have 12 shields in here (& 1 bonemold cuirass). Attempting to drag & drop the following pieces of armor into the render window yielded the following results:

1SKHGShield - no problem; this is the shield Haerter's Statue currently uses (though there's 4 users listed?)
1SKLightBonemoldCuirass -- no problem; currently worn by both Dunmer in Dunmer Barracks
1SKxxHaertersGapShield -- "!" and problems listed above
BearLegionShield -- same as 1SKxxHaertersGapShield
Shield01 -> Shield10 (but no Shield04) -- all yield same error as 1SKxxHaertersGapShield


Shall I simply replace the 1SKxxHaertersGapShield with 1SKHGShield for the 6 offending NPC's? May I delete the entries for all these defunct shields in the Object Window -> Items -> Armor -> 1SK listing? Or should I wait for more files to come my way?

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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This post has been edited 3 time(s), it was last edited by Qxzyz: 18.10.2006 17:47.

18.10.2006 17:34 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
Liquid Cheese
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It is excellent to see you are sorting out all the problems, I'm not sure about the last thing though.
18.10.2006 18:37 Liquid Cheese is offline Send an Email to Liquid Cheese Search for Posts by Liquid Cheese Add Liquid Cheese to your Buddy List
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So after a long delay, I was able to get my brain working a second time today (!) and, on a whim, I looked around the Textures\Armor\1SK folder...lo and behold, there's a "Shields" folder in there, and a listing of .dds & files for shield01 -> shield10 and the Legion Shield...

So the point is: I've got a \Textures folder of appropriate .dds files for 11 shields, but no corresponding \Meshes folder with the necessary .nif files...

Because I'm "that guy," I looked through all the copies of the .rar's for HG I've downloaded over the last few weeks and it appears the problem first presented itself in Haeters_Gap_beta_07 -- that's the first version of the HG beta which has the \Textures\Armor\1SK\Shields folder, and there's no corresponding \Meshes\Armor\1SK\Shields folder. The subsequent beta versions have just carried the problem forward...

Apologies if this has been painfully obvious to everyone but me, but at least I feel a bit gratified to have tracked down the issue... I dunno :D

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Qxzyz: 19.10.2006 02:55.

19.10.2006 02:53 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Qxzyz, I just checked the shields in the CS (I'm using HG ver 11, which might be a bit outdated), and I have both shields there. Since my shields look ok, I'm guessing either there's a missing file or the pointers are messed up. The 1SKxxHaertersGapShield should point to Armor\1SK\shields\shield04.nif - the "BASE " is not a part of the path, and I'm not sure how it got into your version of HG.

And you're VERY right! That folder somehow got lost! - in fact, it's been "lost" since verson 6! Apparently some of us have the old files, so the problem didn't surface. Thanks for pushing this!

This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by Greybeard: 19.10.2006 03:09.

19.10.2006 03:00 Greybeard is offline Send an Email to Greybeard Homepage of Greybeard Search for Posts by Greybeard Add Greybeard to your Buddy List Add Greybeard to your Contact List
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Heya GreyBeard! :D

I've got beta 11 as well...I guess, arguably, I'm making beta 12...

I thought the "BASE" business merely referred to "C:\...\Oblivion\Data." I dunno

Any idea where one might acquire that missing folder?

Edit: Thanks! :D

Edit^2: Outstanding! Thanks again, Greybeard! I'll roll these folders in with beta 12... :D

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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This post has been edited 3 time(s), it was last edited by Qxzyz: 19.10.2006 03:22.

19.10.2006 03:09 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Give me a minute, and I'll upload the files. . . .

Here you go:

Shield files

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Greybeard: 19.10.2006 03:18.

19.10.2006 03:16 Greybeard is offline Send an Email to Greybeard Homepage of Greybeard Search for Posts by Greybeard Add Greybeard to your Buddy List Add Greybeard to your Contact List
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We won't need all the shields in the form of actual equitable shields. Every shield represents one of the holds (with one extra shield for HG), the plan was for them to be used as static objects and placed on a wall in the Skyrim office as decoration.

Edit: I'm not sure, but perhaps the havoc data for the models will be disabled if they are brought in the CS as static objects. If not then we will have to remove the havoc data ourselves (in NifScope possibly).

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Psychotic: 19.10.2006 17:03.

19.10.2006 17:01 Psychotic is offline Send an Email to Psychotic Search for Posts by Psychotic Add Psychotic to your Buddy List Add Psychotic to your Contact List View the MSN Profile for Psychotic
The Old Ye Bard


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Is there an update on this?
23.10.2006 01:17 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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Apologies -- long, strange weekend... I dunno

Anyway, I'm currently finishing up the Frost Giant lair & tightening up that "Hunting the Beast" quest in general -- I should have this completed within 36 hours of this post. I intend to more closely examine four other quests and, barring major problems, the only things left to do will be voice acting & hardcore bug testing...

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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23.10.2006 13:17 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Way to go, Qxzyz! Good job! I'll be looking forward to the next release!
23.10.2006 18:13 Greybeard is offline Send an Email to Greybeard Homepage of Greybeard Search for Posts by Greybeard Add Greybeard to your Buddy List Add Greybeard to your Contact List
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Thanks! :D

Just to be clear, going through the quests like this is a rather involved process -- it will take a while (7 - 10 days from now) to completely hammer out everything, with no consideration of custom voice implementation. If the .esp is needed elsewhere more urgently, just lemme know...

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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23.10.2006 18:31 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Since most of us are over our heads in RL, and you seem to have the time, go ahead and keep it. But could you put up a version over the weekend so that we can see where we stand? And don't forget that our release date is Sept 1st - we just haven't decided which year. :D
25.10.2006 17:58 Greybeard is offline Send an Email to Greybeard Homepage of Greybeard Search for Posts by Greybeard Add Greybeard to your Buddy List Add Greybeard to your Contact List
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"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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25.10.2006 18:28 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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This is quite an epic update, excellent work Qxzyz.
25.10.2006 18:30 Liquid Cheese is offline Send an Email to Liquid Cheese Search for Posts by Liquid Cheese Add Liquid Cheese to your Buddy List
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Why thank you, kind sir! :D

Although, in fairness, you might want to hold off on the word "epic" until you see it... :D

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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25.10.2006 18:41 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Okay, so it's Saturday-ish...I'll post the files/HG.esp tomorrow evening (approximately 24 hours from this post)...perhaps a little larger "-ish" that I had thought, but there we are. :D

Edit: a little more info...I'm having issues with quite a few quests in that a player can jump into the middle of said quests without properly receiving them (which isn't a problem), but the dialogue in the journal/spoken by NPC's doesn't reflect this: e.g.: a player can stumble into the Cave of Frozen Souls on their way to HG for the first time and suddenly be thrust into the "Where Art Thou Traveller?" quest and be presented with mildly inappropriate dialogue...I'm trying to address these issues now...then I can get back to focusing exclusively on dialogue...

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by Qxzyz: 29.10.2006 02:25.

29.10.2006 02:04 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Locks and keys can fix most of the problems like that. Also making scripts, etc only being able to bae activated once something else has been done can also fix the problem.
29.10.2006 03:55 The Old Ye Bard is offline Send an Email to The Old Ye Bard Search for Posts by The Old Ye Bard Add The Old Ye Bard to your Buddy List View the MSN Profile for The Old Ye Bard
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True dat. :D

I'm currently disabling certain triggers until proper quests stages have been met, adding variables to quest scripts to keep track of who the player has/hasn't spoken with, and changing journal updates to reflect all this...

Using the previously mentioned quest example:
* If a player picks up Arrinus' Diary & key before talking with Falco, that player should still be able to carry on with the quest; any reference to Falco himself prior to meeting him is being accounted for with more conditional journal entries which effectively replace "Falco" with "Arrinus' friend in Haerter's Gap" or other such things...
* If the player wanders into the Cave of Frozen Souls prior to visiting Arrinus' camp, they should not be alerted to anything special about the frozen corpse of Arrinus. They'll notice he's a named corpse when they mouseover him, but that should just clue them into another potential quest and shouldn't be an issue...
* It's entirely possible the player could kill the White Witch prior to ever stepping foot in Haerter's Gap -- again, conditional journal entries will take care of journal inconsistencies, but Tjernajel's dialogue may need to change a any event, I'm on it...

I guess the short version of what I'm currently doing is: I'm trying to break the quests every way which occurs to me and trying to script/edit accordingly...:D

On a side note: major Good job! to Smokindan for already making certain quest responses conditional on the status of other quests -- this dramaticaly enhances immersion when it's obvious other stuff which has been accomplished by the player can affect the responses of the current quest!

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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29.10.2006 04:45 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Hehe, thanks Qxzyz. I try my best :D

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29.10.2006 05:18 Smokindan is offline Send an Email to Smokindan Search for Posts by Smokindan Add Smokindan to your Buddy List
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It occurs to me that it was only an update on the .esp which was here is that update...7zip file named "HG_b_12" (never mind the other nonsense in the folder)...

Things I'm still doing:
* Stuff described in my last post in this thread
* RAI for HG residents & appropriate pathgrids
* I've moved Drendnar Tures' skooma-addicted location to well west of HG for 2 reasons: 1.) this keeps him from walking in areas which contain roaming bears 2.) this will allow the player to see the general location of the Frost Giant Lair entrance (there's a little wisp of smoke billowing from a hole in the ground in the area)
* Generating dialogue for "Hunting the Beast:" I've generated a backstory, house with clutter, and general quest logic for this quest, but I've got to transfer it from my notepad to the game :) For the record, the actual entrance to the lair is 25,37 and the exit is 23, 38...the extra NPC's house I've made is a little WNW of the exit.
* I'm still not entirely satisfied with the Frost Giant Lair itself, and I'd appreciate input. :D I've deliberately put the Frost Giant in a short tunnel leading to the exit door just so you(se) can see exactly why I had to scale the tiles up so dramatically, and it's dark in there on purpose! Wink (Incidentally, I bumped up the ambient light for this update; it was pitch-black in there originally.) Don't just look at this in the CS -- fire up the game and have a character wander into the cave to get the full effect...apologies ahead of time for the inelegant placement of rocks -- the rocks are there specifically to patch up irreconcilable differences between recalcitrant tiles...
* I have yet to look at "Markers? What Markers?" and "Sins of a Dunmer," but these are on-deck
* Today's adventure for myself includes scripting Hauk's checking of the player in "Getting Into Skyrim" and generating random bears to fill Clyde's quota in "Beseiged by Bears" (I intend for there to only be two or three popping up, but they'll keep regenerating until the quest is closed)
* The illogical door activation issue I've been yammering about still needs to be fixed; I've jumped on a thread in the ESF - CS area, and hopefully something will come of it...
* I'm trying to pull off a way to make Janine behave like a barmaid (ie: replacing food/drink when it disappears)...I'm currently about 50% done with this
* Other stuff (yeah, that's vague...must...get...caffeine...)

Obviously, I'll still need at least another couple of days with the .esp, and I'll post another update in this thread when it's done -- I'm just posting this now since it was requested (and 'cause I said I would :D ).

Since I've made many little/cosmetic changes, I decided not to list them all here -- please ask me many questions & give as much feedback as possible. Nothing I've put in here is sacred; I can very easily fix anything which is thought to be "out-of-bounds." Again, this is just an update and a more completed .esp is around the corner...

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Qxzyz: 29.10.2006 13:54.

29.10.2006 13:51 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Good job Good job! so any idea whatsup with the door that wont be activated as it should?

ou av andanyammis Pleased
29.10.2006 14:01 Siesta Guru is offline Send an Email to Siesta Guru Search for Posts by Siesta Guru Add Siesta Guru to your Buddy List
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Not a damn clue...the problem is seen on the exterior side of the entrance to the Skyrim Office and also on the door leading from the Morrowind Office Stairs into the Morrowind Office. Like I stated in that ESF thread, there's an already functioning version of this door/archway in HG (the exterior door of the entrance to the Imperial Office)... Confused

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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29.10.2006 14:05 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Ooh updates :D noice. I'll have a wander and tell you what I think.
29.10.2006 14:24 Liquid Cheese is offline Send an Email to Liquid Cheese Search for Posts by Liquid Cheese Add Liquid Cheese to your Buddy List
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Please do, Cheese(liq) :D

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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29.10.2006 14:27 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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Wow, things are really starting to come together. All the npcs are there and in their beds at night. I love Clyde's Hides(is that new to this update), he was firing arrows when I first walked in, but then he moved round behind the counter for me, hehe . I noticed an example of your quest conditioning. I found Arrinis' journal before starting that quest and got the cool message box which didn't mention his friends name or anything. The sign are also cool, hehe. I never actually knew the correct route to haerters gap, I used to just run up the side of a cliff face or something.

Anyway I looked for some bugs whilst I was there. (I'm aware that you probably know about some of these things, but best to be safe than sorry):

- Some of the doors aren't lined up with the teleporter things. The exterior of the skyrim office and one of the ones on the stairs near the basket in the MW office.

-Some of the artistic capitalised letters that begin some books are missing. Examples: Haerters Gap guide and Sins of Youth Volume 1.

-Aralinus' Bench still sticks through the wall (excellent update for her room btw, I love the pattern made by the tapestries)

-The pit greaves in Clyde's Hides on have an armour value, everything else (eg weight) is set to 0.

-You can't buy anything from Clyde.

-When you pick up Arrinis' Journal, if you havn't yet started the quest, the message box that pops up mentions how you found a journal in a chest when it should say bag or sack.

-In Oblivion you could repeat a topic, if you missed something, you can't do that with any of the NPCs here (not really that much of a problem)

-Most of the buildings aren't locked at night

-In the Morrowind office you can pretty much steal everything downstairs as I havn't seen anyone down there when I have been playing.

- You can run through the statue.

-The texture 'weared off' for the statue, when I came back after some exploring. So he just looks like a stationary NPC with all of his ordinary armour textures etc.

I think that was everything I found. I have only scratched the surface of your update but I could really a lot of changes.

Btw are we going to have Sulan's music in?

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Liquid Cheese: 29.10.2006 15:23.

29.10.2006 15:21 Liquid Cheese is offline Send an Email to Liquid Cheese Search for Posts by Liquid Cheese Add Liquid Cheese to your Buddy List
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Thanks very much Cheese(liq) for the fast observations! :D

Originally posted by Liquid Cheese
(I'm aware that you probably know about some of these things, but best to be safe than sorry)

True dat. :D Much better to have a problem reported multiple times than to let it slip through, IMO

Originally posted by Liquid Cheese
- Some of the doors aren't lined up with the teleporter things. The exterior of the skyrim office and one of the ones on the stairs near the basket in the MW office.

Yep -- check the link to the ESF thread in my original update post for info on things I've done to try and correct this...I dunno I only bothered discussing one of the problematic doors in that discussion (because it wasn't strictly relevant), but I'm definitely aware of both of these doors...

Originally posted by Liquid Cheese
-Some of the artistic capitalised letters that begin some books are missing. Examples: Haerters Gap guide and Sins of Youth Volume 1.

I had forgotten this entirely - I'm on it.

Originally posted by Liquid Cheese
-Aralinus' Bench still sticks through the wall

Fixed now. I've been focusing my attentions on NPC's in order of whatever quest I'm tinkering with at the time, and I haven't gotten to that quest yet...prolly more stuff to be fixed in the MW Office...

Originally posted by Liquid Cheese
(excellent update for her room btw, I love the pattern made by the tapestries)

This is very cool & the credit is not mine to take! :D Don't remember who specifically rearranged things up here, but it is quite cool!

Originally posted by Liquid Cheese
-The pit greaves in Clyde's Hides on have an armour value, everything else (eg weight) is set to 0.

Fixed. :)

Originally posted by Liquid Cheese
-You can't buy anything from Clyde.

Hmmm...he should offer services from 7AM to 5PM...I look into this further...

Originally posted by Liquid Cheese
-When you pick up Arrinis' Journal, if you havn't yet started the quest, the message box that pops up mentions how you found a journal in a chest when it should say bag or sack.

Fixed. :)

Originally posted by Liquid Cheese
-In Oblivion you could repeat a topic, if you missed something, you can't do that with any of the NPCs here (not really that much of a problem)

No -- that's a fair observation. I'll rectify this before the next update.

Originally posted by Liquid Cheese
-Most of the buildings aren't locked at night

Yeah, that's intentional so far, but I'll fix this before the next update. I noticed some NPCs who share a room/building could actually get locked out by their roomates... Tongue

Originally posted by Liquid Cheese
-In the Morrowind office you can pretty much steal everything downstairs as I havn't seen anyone down there when I have been playing.

Good spot -- I'll get on that when I hit the relevant quest. Basically, I've been assigning interior ownership to created factions (like "HGNordBarracks" & "HGImperials") instead of to individual NPC's to allow for more flexible AI...I must've forgotten to change that building...

Originally posted by Liquid Cheese
- You can run through the statue.

The non-collision statue is 'cause of a "SetGhost" script command placed on him in order to prevent the player from hitting him with a sword and drawing blood. :) Perhaps I'll just put an impenetrable collision box around him...

Originally posted by Liquid Cheese
-The texture 'weared off' for the statue, when I came back after some exploring. So he just looks like a stationary NPC with all of his ordinary armour textures etc.

There's a "DoOnce" type variable for the statue in its script -- perhaps I'll try getting rid of it and see if this helps...

Originally posted by Liquid Cheese
Btw are we going to have Sulan's music in?

I'm looking into conditions for the "StreamMusic" command...AFAIK, we've got two ambient pieces of music for being in/around HG, and I think -Sulan- made some dungeon music also...I'll check his site again and see what is available, pending his approval of course. :) The trick with the "StreamMusic" seems to be that it will pick music based upon first loading of a cell -- it can be as specific as 'always play this one track' to as vague as 'play something in this folder.' I haven't focused on this yet (makes more sense to work on it with voice acting considerations I dunno )...

Incidentally, I inadvertantly posted the 2nd most-recent version of the .esp in that 7zip (I've got _many_ backups :D ) -- the only differences in that one and the actual most recent version are 1.) pathgrids around town have a "preferred path" to aid in the "Breaking the Habit" quest 2.) "preferred path" nodes have been placed from HG to the spot of Drendnar's skooma-drinking for the same quest and 3.) Both versions of Drendnar (addict and cured) have had proper AI placed on 'em...addict version alternately sleeps & drinks skooma (12 hour blocks) while cured version has normal RAI in and around HG...

By the by -- have you seen the Frost Giant yet? :D

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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29.10.2006 16:09 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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I haven't actually. I'll go and find that now, if you give me a location. I can give some feedback on the dungeon too.
29.10.2006 16:26 Liquid Cheese is offline Send an Email to Liquid Cheese Search for Posts by Liquid Cheese Add Liquid Cheese to your Buddy List
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Entrance to Frost Giant Lair: cell 25, 37
* Fast travel to Temple of Moth Priests -> head north to rune stones -> turn right towards OB gate -> should see a path near the gate heading NNW -> look for a rock with a small wisp of smoke coming from it on the right (should be able to just barely see both the Oblivion gate and the Ice Tower from this spot...

"Mysteries force a man to think, and so injure his health."
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29.10.2006 16:37 Qxzyz is offline Send an Email to Qxzyz Search for Posts by Qxzyz Add Qxzyz to your Buddy List
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